Title: Feminine Wiles Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Anakin/Padmé Prompt: fanfic50 #36 Dress Word Count: 144 Rating: PG-13 Author's Notes: Written for another community but I decided it fit well here too ^_
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Yay, you wrote something!! This makes me way more unnaturally happy than it should, lol.
Interesting imagining of Anakin's thoughts during the fireplace scene! I always thought his not looking her in the eye while she was talking was totally because he was trying to figure out the quickest way to get that corset off. XD This is very well-written, the short sentences really fit the tone of the piece.
Thaaaaaaaaanks! I've been writing loads lately, actually, compared to my usual quantity. Just nowhere near as much as you do! I'm glad to hear you say it's well-written - I wrote it quite quickly but sometimes things come out better that way. And you, of course, have the perfect icon!
I liked this! Anakin actually acting his age and can't keep his eyes off Padme's chest even in a serious conversation. And she did dress revealingly, especially on Naboo, but she seemed oblivious to the temptations she was presenting to Anakin.
Comments 8
Interesting imagining of Anakin's thoughts during the fireplace scene! I always thought his not looking her in the eye while she was talking was totally because he was trying to figure out the quickest way to get that corset off. XD This is very well-written, the short sentences really fit the tone of the piece.
I agree about it being well-written. Very sweet and heartfelt, and it nicely conveys his raging teenage hormones.
Especially this:
Every time he checked. Which was approximately every two seconds.
Love it.
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