(no subject)

Apr 16, 2011 23:54

I was productive with my time today. I got up at nine, got online for a while, and around ten I decided it was time for me to get clothes on and head to Starbucks to get some work done. I found a third job I wanted to apply for last night, so I had three job applications/job packets to work on today. I went to Starbucks, had coffee, and did not really get started on anything until noon. I wrote my cover letter and tweaked my resume for a Christian academy who is looking for an English teacher. I'm pretty excited about this opportunity!

The second application I filled out is for a school looking for a learning lab director. I think this would be a great opportunity as well, and it would definitely go along with the areas of interest and licensure that I have. However, the problem is that my friend Jincy works there as an instructional assistant right now. She applied for a different job closer to where she lives, so it might not be an issue at all. But I just would not feel comfortable being the director of a lab that she works in.

The perk to that job is that the assistant principal at the high school was my English teacher junior year of high school. She was working on her administration license whenever I was in high school, and I actually wrote a story for the school newspaper about it. She also helped me get a tutoring job and chose me over all the other kids in the class. I think this is a really great advantage, and her name was listed as the contact person for the position. Jincy said she interacts with her every day (I asked her about the woman whenever I saw it) and she is the one that fought for her to keep her job while she was in patient therapy this year.

Anyway - fun and exciting stuff! :) My friend is reading over my cover letter for the teaching position, and hopefully I'll be able to email that on Monday so all my stuff is submitted. I have another job that I'm looking at for a student life counselor, which I think would be pretty perfect, too. I'd be a live-in counselor for gifted and talented juniors and seniors. It'd pay for my room and board, I'd get paid a salary, and I'd have insurance, benefits and retirement. I'm not sure what the salary compensation is, but it said it was competitive. I am working on getting my reference letters together for that right now, and we'll see what comes of that.

I'm really excited about the prospects of whatever God has for me. I'll laugh if they all work out and I have to decide - it'd be really hard! But I'm trusting God for my future and just living in the peace he's giving me each day.

Otherwise - Ryan is gone this weekend to Intern Kickoff Weekend. He has been accepted to INTERN next year with Campus Crusade for Christ at Northern Illinois University and I'm so proud of him! :) This is an answer to prayer! He called me today and gave me the phone spiel that they ask them all to do before they leave the conference so we're going to "talk" about Crusade stuff when we hang out next. I've already decided how much I'm going to give to him monthly, and it's going to be a huge faith step. I really want to trust God with my finances in a huge way this year, and this is the first step!

I also had some good time with God today, and "Fireproof" came in the mail from Netflix today ... which I watched after I hung out with Kalee at her house after I left Starbucks. Quite the tearjerker, but it is so good! :)

Hope you all had a great weekend! :)

support, ryan, applications, movie, job search, internship, weekend, campus crusade

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