The longest year

Nov 17, 2010 17:46

Hiya my dear forgotten LJ i've been a cheater and had affair with facebook. Sorry, it's not over yet but i'll promise that i will see u more often cos i've noticed that even it's fun to put few words about my life in few sentences in my fb status. It doesn't cover all, this wanting to express my life more then just few sentences. LJ is also just for few people to see and for myself, sometimes to the world but know one knows its me. So this has at the same time more privacy and intimacy then facebook and also freedom of expressing myself more then just those few words. Well, i guess there is some sort of log option in fb too but it's not the same. LJ has some magic in it.

Like ages has gone when i send last posting in this lj of mine. Anyway half year ago i finally did manage to get a job, with young people with difficult learning and behavior problems. I have a quite good work document from that job, i will go next friday to show that our local work office. Hope i will get a new job soon and i do hope that it's not too soon! I have a lil flue now but working with disabled people and few last months with girl who uses sign language, wheelchair, needs help practicly with everything is quite hard work. In mentally and physichally i'm quite tired. On the other hand i need money,, :/ but payment for this kind of work isn't good at all! I've actually started to wonder if i will go and try to study and work with something which doesn't need like brains, thinking, being constantly ready to action if something happens,,,:/ Something creative and artistic nonsence perhaps,,;D

So now that i have time again (it's mine) i though to wake up this LJ of mine from it's sleeping beauty dream. I though to change the outlook lil bit when i noticed there was halloween theme hehe No more pinky o/ ^^

I've read some books, reasently i've done reading with audrey niffenegger's book her fearful symmetry which is different then her earlier book. Still there is loads layers under layers and characters are all guite weird somehow and all has difficult somehow obsessive feelings to each other. There is no easy way out when one of the main characters happens to be a ghost. The way Niffenegger writes, her style is somehow getting closer neil gaiman's style to write, but maybe there is more feminine absence presence. Also lil more horror, lil more psychological exitement.

I've been in band gig's too, my reasent moment was with Katatonia, it was very personal cos none of my friends didn't come with me and he (who's name i must not say) i meet almost regulary in gig's, didn't come either. Anyways i felt that i've never been such a great gig what Katatonia did being just 'we don't have any state performance'. Singer just sings hair all over his face and what a voice! <3 <3 <3

Only thing what makes me lil sad is that i coudn't go to our local sci-fi society's meeting this evening. I've got this stupid flue, hope it's gone soon cos i'm waiting a visitor (from outer space) in next weekend ;) I just loove this song, gives so much energy ♥ I think i will make and change some avatar's too now that i got myself in 'doing mood' ;)

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gig's, band's, book's

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