Just had sudden desire to write these thoughts down before this mood is gone,,like for ever. I wanted to put this video just because its just so beautiful and its a sort of new point of few to Lapland what i miss a lot sometimes. I've wondered what are these aspects why i feel that this video is such a treasure exp. from the finnish point of few.
Key words, Lapland, snow, fantasy, beautiful. feminine, masculine, man with make up, difference, braveness. Those words are like description of things that attract me. I've always loved the idea being different, be unique, be yourself don't give a damn about others opinions. What i've read comment posting about this singer it gives weird pleasure that he is with his Drag Queen history and all just kicking those who doesn't prove anything what is different. Those narrow minded persons has call him being gay cos he has make up are just those who just wont learn anything or might not even try to change they're mind. Well i don't think that being gay necessarily need any make up., meaning that how many lesbian persons wear like beard and mustaches? ;D
Few days ago i was thinking again my vision of perfect world and it goes like this, i'm dreaming that one day here isn't boys and girls, gays, lesbians etc. But just we all as equals, no sex type thing. Like my dear friend said (she is bisexual too) that she loves humansoul not woman or man. I think that real love and connection between persons is this soul mating thing and it doesn't have nothing to do with just sex. Exp. you see that with elderly couples who may have drop they're sexual life behind and are more focusing in they're spiritual connection or then again, wild as ever! You never know,,;)
Sex is something what i can think, being as bi person, that it feels good in both sides of the fence, what comes to being in relationship, it's the same thing. I don't actually know, how it would feel to be totally lesbian? Of course these matters has nothing to do with Drag Queen things or guys who wear make up. But some way those are connected, at least in here Finland those are, everything what is different and brakes the ”unwritten laws” of being man and woman are totally doomed. To me, i just love it, as you've probably noticed,,;D
My friend was wondering that maybe being ”different” is all so a nature's way to prevent over population? In finland we have here a big issue that can ”rainbow-parents” adopt kids? World is ful of children who has no loving parents, home, food, nothing,,,. I think that those poor kids would be in much better place with mum couple's or daddy couple's being they're parents rather then just piece of newspaper for their shelter against rain and storm,,.
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