Never Say Never.
- an X-Files 4x13 ("Never Again") Picspam
Okay. Firstly, I know I should have posted the second part of my The House of Mirth picspam by now, but this episode took full control of my artistic muse and refused to let it go. I'm still working on the THOM spam, it'll definitely be posted... at some point. Secondly, HOLY FUCKBALLS THIS EPISODE IS DARK. Seriously, I didn't fully appreciate how dark until I attempted to make the caps... a little less dark. It's like, JEBUS SLUG GUYS IT'S CALLED DAYLIGHT. Oh well, I did the best I could. But I apologise if the colouring is a little bizarre on some of the pics. And thirdly (and most importantly), I LOVE THIS EPISODE. Come on. The Scullycentricity (totally a word), the dark noirish feel, the uber-sexy music, the insane levels of delicious angst, the even more insane levels of Scullyhot, JODIE FOSTER VOICING A CRAZED TATTOO. What's not to love? Morgan & Wong = ♥. So anyway, without further ado:
"Go ahead. Treat yourself. This girl is a real doll. But beauty is only skin deep, baby. I go all the way to the bone."
"You can’t tell what’s going on in somebody’s head just by looking at them. I mean, they’re probably thinking that we’re the ones that are screwed up."
SCULLY: "Why don't I have a desk?"
SCULLY: "I'm not going."
MULDER: "What do you mean?"
SCULLY: "Your contact, while interesting in the context of science fiction, was, at least in my memory, recounting a poorly veiled synopsis of an episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle."
MULDER: "Eenie, meenie, chilli beanie, the spirits are about to speak?"
MULDER: "So you’re refusing an assignment based on the adventures of Moose and Squirrel?"
SCULLY: "Refusing an assignment? It makes it sound like you're my superior."
MULDER: "Do what you want. Don’t go to Philadelphia. But let me remind you that I worked my ass off to get the files reopened. You were just assigned. This work is my life."
SCULLY: "And it's become mine."
SCULLY: "I feel like I’ve lost sight of myself, Mulder. It's hard to see, let alone find in the darkness of covert locations. I mean, I wish I could say that we were going in circles, but we’re not. We’re going in an endless line - two steps forwards and three steps back. While my own life is... standing still."
SVO: "So what? Why do you want to cover it? Listen friend, everyone gets tattoo they deserve."
VOICE: "Thought I was your girl. You'd break my heart over a cheap redhead? You talk to her and I'm going to be bad."
ED: "Mind some advice from a stranger? Make sure you’ve thought it over before you get it done."
SCULLY: "What, you didn't get the tattoo you deserve?"
ED: "Mine was too impulsive."
SCULLY: "Never say never. Yeah, sometimes I wish I were that impulsive."
ED: "Careful what you wish for."
MULDER: "Okay, just hold off until I get there, okay?"
SCULLY: "What, you don't think I'm capable?"
MULDER: "Of course I believe that you're capable. It's just that in this case I need you to..."
SCULLY: "It's not just in this case, Mulder."
SCULLY: "It is over. Done. Pudovkin is out of our hands. Look Mulder, I have to go."
MULDER: "What, have you got a date or something? Y... you're kidding."
SCULLY: "I have everything under control. I will talk to you later."
SCULLY: "It's Dana. We met today. Um, my, uh, my flight was cancelled because of the storm and I was just wondering if I could take you up on dinner?"
ED: "I think it's worth fighting a little snow."
VOICE: "Go ahead. Treat yourself. This girl is a real doll. But beauty is only skin deep, baby. I go all the way to the bone."
ED: "At least we can forego the 'what a nice place you have' formalities."
SCULLY: "Ed, I-I uh, I don’t go out very much. I think the last time I went on a date was to see 'Glen Garry Glen Ross' and the characters in the movie had a much better time."
SCULLY: "Ed, the, uh... the crummy bar you told me about. Take me there."
SCULLY: "I've always gone around in this, uh, this circle. It usually starts when an authoritative or controlling figure comes into my life. And part of me likes it, needs it, wants the approval. But then at a certain point along the way, I just, you know... Okay, um... my father was a Navy Captain. I worshipped - I worship - the sea that he sailed on. And when I was 13 or so I went through this... thing where I would sneak out of my parents house and smoke my mother's cigarettes. And I did it because I knew that if he found out, he would kill me. And then... along the way, there are other... fathers."
SCULLY: "I want to see it."
ED: "Come on, it's all scabbed up."
SCULLY: "It's okay."
ED: "You're so curious... Get your own."
ED: "She want's the same red. Like mine."
VOICE: "Get her hands off of me! Those are bad thoughts you’re having, baby. Kiss her, and she's dead."
SMITH: "The resident downstairs, Kaye Schilling, was reported missing. Some blood was found in her apartment, not hers. It had some, uh... abnormalities."
SMITH: "Look. Here’s our card. We’d appreciate Mr. Jerse giving us a call when he returns. And if he doesn't, we will."
ED: "It's such a relief to be able to tell someone. I hear it, Dana. In my head, only deeper. It's more than just some chemical reaction. She talks to me. She hates women... my wife, my boss... you. She's so jealous, Dana. She makes me do things. I don't want to, but she controls me. But I believe that you made her go away."
SCULLY: "We need to get help. Now, I'm going to go into the other room, and I’m going to come back, and we are going to go together."
VOICE: "Another woman in my bed? Burn the sheets! Burn her! Burn her! Come on. Do it for me."
SCULLY: "This isn't you, Ed."
VOICE: "Go on, Eddie."
SCULLY: "Get control of yourself."
VOICE: "Ah, but it's good to lose control."
SCULLY: "Take contol!"
VOICE: "Do it!"
MULDER: "Welcome back. You look a lot better than you did in the hospital. And congratulations for making a personal appearance in the X Files for the second time, it’s a world’s record."
MULDER: "All this because I... I didn't get you a desk?"
SCULLY: "Not everything is about you, Mulder. This is my life."
MULDER: "Yes, but it's m..."