Heh heh heh. Because I'm horribly curious...

Apr 28, 2005 03:56

a. Post a list of 15 fandoms. ****
b. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character.

**** Note these are not all my fandoms; they are Kie's. I was just terribly curious what people would guess, and whether they'd guess the same as they did for Kie. X3

Edit: I have now included all the answers, with those which people guessed in bold.

1. Morning Musume - Maki Goto (I like her style and appearance best of all the girls of all the generations so far.)
2. Johnny's Jimusho - Tackey (Too lazy to write out his name... XD I like the way he looks and the style he sports)
3. Sailor Moon - Sailor Jupiter (Long brown ponytail. Yeah, some of my reasons are dumb. LOL)
4. X/1999 (1 left) - Inuki & Subaru (Come on, isn't the puppy sooooo cute?? Subaru is cute, too. And powerful.)
5. Disney fairy tales - Princess Aurora (I love the style of Disney's Sleeping Beauty. I think everything is just so beautiful!)
6. Final Fantasy IV - Rydia (She's pretty and has a cool story and powerful spells.)
7. Super Smash Bros. Melee/Nintendo - Samus Aran (I love the Metroid games! The story, the environments, the music, the gameplay... it's all just as awesome as its beautiful hero Samus!)
8. Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers - Cye/Shin (Demure, has power over water. I like water.)
9. Bust A Move/Bust A Groove - Kitty-N (Pretty catgirl, pretty stage music.)
10. Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers - Rikuo/Aulbath (He's one handsome fish! X3)
11. Street Fighter - Yun (He's small and quick, handsome, and has a twin brother! ^__~)
12. Gundam Wing (2) - Lady Une & Trowa (Lady Une is so cool, and pretty, in Endless Waltz. Trowa is cool and mature. Looks good, too.)
13. Dead or Alive - Hitomi (Ok, pretty is not a reason because they're all pretty... But she has nice brown hair... and looks a bit more like a real person and less like a beauty queen.)
14. Starcraft - Artanis (This young templar is the new Protoss Praetor who guides you in your missions. As a hero, he can also join you with his Scout (basic offensive air unit). He is quite accomplished for being only 292 years old! He even gets his own cut scenes~)
15. ParaPara Allstars - Miho (She's sooo cute!)
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