Nov 23, 2004 19:13
My Phys Ed teacher is constantly letting the guys do everything. Everytime we do the 'Pick two captains and then they choose teams' she always picks guy captains. We asked her if we could have female captains but she ignored us.
We were doing this activity where it was like scootering but on this board with wheels. Boys started off the races and the girls sat there for the whole session doing nothing!
Last week, we were doing the beep test. If you guys don't know what it is, I can't be stuffed explaining.
Marcus ran and missed the line by about half a metre. He ran back and he missed it again. She let him go through.
Kim ran and missed it by 5cm and she got called out.
Well, maybe she isn't sexist, but she's really got some issues.
I am so bored today. Pretty pissed as well.
A couple of days ago, I downloaded Ragnarok Australia because Mav was playing it. When we started, we ended up in different areas and they had no Warp NPCs! We had to make money and spend it on trying to get to each other.
I told him that he could ether save up until 900z and warp to Prontera or I save up 1700z and warp to Payon. I ended up warping to Payon. After I did, he told me he can't get there.
I was so pissed. I spent 1700z on nothing. Now he's going to get his ass fried if he doesn't get down to Payon soon.
He even told me to warp there. ;.;