Feb 08, 2006 18:48
Today has been a long day but so good and productive! Then I was looking to find something on TV I see that the Grammy Awards are tonight... That will be great, and I hope that I can stay awake for them. I have not been able to watch the awards ceremony for several years. I always have to read the recap after the fact. I think that U2 is up for 5, Coldplay is up for 3, and there will be some live performances as well! I think U2 will be doing a song or two! I do not know much more than that, yet... I can post the winners here behind a cut, if any of my European friends would like me to, as I have already gotten one request from someone to send them a list of all the winners as it will not be aired over there until Friday/Saturday. Does anyone want me to post it here later, if I am still awake? Or will you guys all watch or go online to get the results? Time to go watch some music awards...