Apr 08, 2008 22:17
Hell day is here. I should be cueing right now, but I need a break from the lovely Strand Live screen.
I’m a lot more mellow than normal right now. That’s good, I think, but also bad. A big part of why I’m not stressing out is because I really just don’t care all that much about the show. I just don’t like it. It’s dumb, dumber than most musicals, and there is really no special effects or major problem solving for me to focus on instead. It’s all just sort of meh. At the same time, I’m kind of enjoying not being super stressed out about a show. My rep plot is intact, I’m using my same hookup from the last show, just with the specials swapped out, it’s really reached the point I’ve been pushing for at this space for the last three years. It’s kind of awesome to see that my concept is actually sound and as I perfect it life just gets easier and easier. Now I just need to put a real, permanent plot together on paper, now that I know it’s how I want it and just leave it as is. It’s funny, in a way, it feels like designing in reverse, almost. Just keep putting stuff up and taking it down until it looks right, THEN put it on paper. It’s working, though, so I’m not going to question it.
I think I need to clean up my hard drive a bit. It seems like programs and stuff are starting to run a little slower than they used to. It makes sense, I have a ton of show photos and music and such on here; they should be moved onto memory sticks or something so they don’t need to take up all kinds of space on here. I have backup CDs for most of it, the important stuff anyway, but I think flash drives or something as well, have all the important stuff in two places on two kinds of storage, is probably a good idea. At least it feels like a good idea.
Wow, could this entry get a little more boring? I’m talking about computer memory. Thrilling.
Anyway, I’m actually appearing on stage for the first time in years and years. I’m playing the part of “Circus Vet.” I walk out and take the snake from the snake charmer and take it back off. Yes, we have a live snake on stage. Also a chicken and a dog. It’s a zoo, but hey, I’ll have things to do during the show, which makes it a little less tedious.
I have to say, I never know what to expect from student follow spot operators. I want to be much more precise and detailed than I usually end up being. We always have new kids, so they’re all learning brand new, so there’s a steep learning curve. Because of this, I usually let the little things slide, like clean pick ups and making sure they match exactly. At the same time, I really want them to do it, and I also feel like maybe I’m doing them a disservice by not letting them know what will be expected outside of this place. What it really comes down to is, they have four days to figure it out, and most of the time they’re 14 years old. It’s silly to expect professional level skill and I’m too tired and I have too many other things to get right before opening night. Trade offs, it’s just trade offs.
I have to fix one of the strip lights. I really, really hope it’s just a burn out. I don’t want to have to try to rewire the stupid thing.
Well, rehearsal is winding down, I’m just going to post this now and move along to my clean up.