coming around again

May 05, 2008 22:25

And this time, I'm tired.

I made this post on October twenty-fifth. Six months, peoples, and it doesn't even feel that long.

I cried re-reading that post today-- I don't remember crying when I actually wrote it. In all fairness, it could have something to do with me being sick at the moment.

My thanks to everyone who's been dealing with this shit. Kita and Chop, it's just... I don't have the words to describe checking your journals for updates to explain this to other people and finding your posts on this mess directly following your Yom Ha'Shoah posts.

I have some other things I want to say, but I'm exhausted, and they're very similar to what telesilla is saying here. You know what? I'm gonna try anyway. Maybe it'll help me boil things down.

Here's the deal:

You cannot understand the Holocaust.

There's a reason for that: you shouldn't understand the Holocaust.

There is a reason people get emotional about the Holocaust-- it's a logical reaction to horror, to atrocities.

It's when you divorce yourself from the emotion, from the natural gut reaction-- that's when there's a problem. That leaves room to separate the events from the people they happened to, to see numbers instead of faces, and it leaves room for the most dangerous trap: rationalization. That's how people turn blind in the face of these things happening.

Talking about the Holocaust should hurt. If it doesn't, then you're not getting it.

"The person who destroys one soul, destroys a whole world."

Each person contains the start of infinite potential.

The murder of one person is a tragedy. The murder of six million people is incomprehensible.
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