Have you ever though that maybe you can pick up your so called"shity ass life" and leave?Have you ever thought that maybe when something comes in you push it away?Have you ever thought that you could do anything you set for yourself?And that when this so called soul mate,job opportunity,or the music you so passionately want to make comes into your life,you could say "NO", because you havent had time to plan it out and you are pretty sure that it will turn into some really good form of crap.Have you actually pushed yourself to be the Justin you say you want to be?Dont want to change or do what you say you are,just go forth and do it!
You are one of the luckiest people i have ever met and you let that go to waste,you throw away what you call love or what you call a talent because you think that you arent ready.Well it seems that for a long time you have wanted to be this person and maybe you already are.So go do whatever and if something life changing comes along im sure they will have to deal with the fact that you should put yourself ahead just this once.For the sake of your sanity and the sake of others you dissapoint in the process of being really sad that you havent done what you want in life.
Forget about the fact that hey this person needs me,because ill tell you,if you arent happy with yourself you cant make others happy.I know i myself should be looking in the mirror and saying get your act together and stop worrying about what may come and what he or she will say or do.I need this for my own good and thats that.
So pack your shit and leave,or go look for something that might be worth your hard work.Without regards to anything else,if they love you they will understand.Your really stupid if you dont,you've fucked up enough not to.
You are one of the luckiest people i have ever met and you let that go to waste,you throw away what you call love or what you call a talent because you think that you arent ready.Well it seems that for a long time you have wanted to be this person and maybe you already are.So go do whatever and if something life changing comes along im sure they will have to deal with the fact that you should put yourself ahead just this once.For the sake of your sanity and the sake of others you dissapoint in the process of being really sad that you havent done what you want in life.
Forget about the fact that hey this person needs me,because ill tell you,if you arent happy with yourself you cant make others happy.I know i myself should be looking in the mirror and saying get your act together and stop worrying about what may come and what he or she will say or do.I need this for my own good and thats that.
So pack your shit and leave,or go look for something that might be worth your hard work.Without regards to anything else,if they love you they will understand.Your really stupid if you dont,you've fucked up enough not to.
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