I realize I am not wired by current standards but, I do tend to catch most news stories when they break. I came across the story of a Danish high school's strip competition via youtube, and I was rather surprised I had not heard about it previously. The link to the vlog is here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBttGIBZmxk The basic story is that a private school in Denmark every year has either a show or a competition (I've seen it called both after looking for stories about it online) in which the students (both male and female) strip for the teachers. This is apparently a tradition, although none of the stories I found said how long this tradition has gone on for. It became an issue this year not because young men and women were stripping, but because two girls briefly touch and kiss. Images and recordings of it made their way to the web and suddenly people realized they had what can be classified as kiddie porn.
The whole thing is strange. Watching the full video, they look like silly awkward teenageers. Seven kids in their teens*, both male and female, take off their clothes and dance around in their underware...honestly silly is what they look like if you watch the full clip. It appears as though the boys never take it seriously, while it could be said the girls do (it could also be said that they don't). Three or four girls take off their tops, "modestly" holding their hands over their breasts most of the time. The event is obviously in front of a large audience, based on the noise level, and multiple people (in clear view) can be seen walking up to the stage to take pictures. Even if the student performers did not know it was being recorded, the teachers present obviously knew.
So how does one judge this? I am reluctant to immediately classify it as either exploitative or pornography. (Although I do agree it would be better for the students involved not to have their pictures on the internet) Not knowing the full context, I don't know if this is some form of cruel hazing, or really just a silly joke the school does each year. Is it really harmful? The idea of it really sends alarms in my head, students encouraged to strip for the teachers! But the video seems so humorously harmless.
So am I the only one that missed this story this past May? And what are other's thoughts? (If you want to see the full video you are going to have to find it yourself, I would rather not post a link to it)
*metro.co.uk says 18, but does not specify if they mean all 7, or only the two invovled