Jan 22, 2012 17:02
2012, the end of a remarkable 4 months journey with buddies Ive been through thick and thin.
The start of a 6 months journey to get my rank and vocation.
Not really the ideal start i imagined though theres a lot of welfare there, but i sure do miss the people from the 4 mths.
In a platoon with almost everyone from the same company in tekong, so kinda need to blend in with them though some of them are weird.
All these aside, when you put your mind to something, you can accomplish things. Like Sooyoung always say, lets not procrastinate.
I just went for a jog and i feel super happy hehe cuz i can eat til my hearts content.
oh and in a mth its gonna be 22 years old for me :( and 14th feb alone again thanks.