Illuminati boom boom~

Feb 28, 2010 15:26

You thought Tom-Tom was just some cute little congressman? You thought he was a well-meaning crusader for human rights? You were WRONG, y'all, and this guy is here to set you straight.

I want to focus on how little this and other articles focus on the real Tom Perriello. Even his opponents like to act that he is little more than a Dudley Do-Right, a hard working and well meaning politician who just happens to be liberal. The reality is consistently ignored by both the press and the blogosphere. He is a Manchurian Candidate, a saboteur within the American political system.


For too long, the focus on Perriello's time abroad has been this vision of a young college graduate hopping on a plane to fly to parts unknown and save the world. The real story is that he has been an active agent in pushing the liberal internationalist agenda that is weakening America both at home and abroad. [...] The liberal powers that be wanted Perriello in office, somewhere. He just was honest enough to do it from his actual hometown and not some random place he moved to.

omg. Tom-Tom... the evil JOOZ masters' puppet? SAY IT AIN'T SO.

Consider Perriello's role in removing Liberian President Charles Taylor from power. Perriello would have us believe that this was a simple case of good versus evil. In reality, Taylor was a Christian politician trying to crack down on Muslim rebels who were just as brutal in their tactics as the accusations thrown at Taylor.

That's right. This dude is defending a warlord being held at the Hague because Perriello was an advisor to the prosecutor against the guy. Man!

This guy goes on and on, but you get the gist. Clearly, our beloved Tom-Tom must be evil. I suspect he is in cahoots with known Illuminati puppet Lady GaGa. Stay vigilant.

he is ..... not like other men, this is a disastuh, evil is adorable, allseeing eye is watching you masturbate, tom perriello ello ello eh eh eh

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