I have to share this lulzy pic

Nov 24, 2009 23:49

Of Chilean presidential contender Sebastián Piñera, of the right wing (lulz) ~*Coalition for Hope and Change and Shiny Happy Unicorns~* (Coalición por Cambio - more like the Coalition of Shameless Obama Copiers amirite?).


we got trolled by a fucking fish, at first i was like ಠ_ಠ but then i lol'd, kiss me, lulz around the world, lulz_politics has a mascot, i want to laugh i want to cry, my humps, oh the huge manatee, shamelessness, clapping like a seal, i'm a gay fish, best post ever, what hath science wrought, *dolphin noises*, the more i look the more i am confuse, mr. summers you are the father, lulz that crosses continents, larry summers is a gay fish

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