cherry cherry boom boom, mod post~

Nov 22, 2009 14:06

Okay the other day arthurclennam made an AWESOME picture of Huntsman and I thought it needed to be in the userinfo. I started collecting info we can put in our info, under the basics we have now. What do you guys think? Any pictures or people we should add?

(PS - remember you guys can post too! It's pretty heavy on stuff that the two of us like, but this is everyone's community! So if you want to post about like, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's fierceness, or picspam Cory Booker, or laugh at something dumb Haley Barbour said... do it. There are like 100 of you watching and we want all of you to join in the hilarity!)

In lulz_politics:

We worship at the altar of Jon Huntsman Jr., our Angel of Bipartisanship.

Sometimes we love Tom Perriello, and sometimes we grump at him, but we always want to squish his cheeks and eat him right up.

Jake Tapper is our favorite sexy douche.

We have a love/hate relationship with certain Floridinian Republicans.

But we will always protect them from Pedobear.

We have much ~banksta love~.

And dork out over congress.

Blingee is our master.

And we spend way too much time on Twitter.

So please consider joining us. Tom Tom thanks you for your time.

teamwork, ~meta~

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