Nov 01, 2009 06:32

omg lol
I was looking for ~~information about Perriello's vote on the House healthcare bill (he hasn't decided yet) when I found this lulzy post on the first page of Google results. HOW HAD I NEVER READ IT BEFORE.

From the headline you know it's gonna be good:

Tom Perriello..... NOT married to a woman???

ehhhhhhhhh??? *eyebrow raise, lifts martini glass*

Why is Tom Perriello NOT married to a woman? Can anyone explain this? While he was in New York City, can anyone name one woman (for verification purposes) that Tom Perriello actually dated?

FOR VERIFICATION PURPOSES. Provide photocopy of the following: birth certificate, social security card, passport, driver's license and/or state ID.

Did something change Tom Perriello when he was in New York?

He walked through a bad neighborhood and caught an airborn strain of Teh Ghey. JUST SAY IT MAN!!!!

When they meet him, do women have an internal radar that goes off and tells them "Stay away from him, he is ..... not like other men?"


Why is it that Perriello's friends in New York appear to be predominately women, platonic girl-friends, who are now returning the favor by organizing political phone banks for him?

lol wut. I guess I don't live in Virginia, so for all I know, Perriello's phone banking team actually was made up of giggling girlfrandz gossiping and talking about Anderson Cooper. But I doubt it.

What was Perriello's position on defining marriage as being between one man and one woman in Virginia? Or did he NOT take a position on that because he was out of state at the time----possibly clubbing in SOHO? Does anyone know the answer?

Because when I see this guy:

my thought is "yeah, you know he was grinding on some hot piece to that 'I'm in Miami trick' song. IN SOHO!!!!!!!!" Apparently that's where he caught it.

A commenter clears the record:

I'm not from VA, I'm from CA. But i went to yale w Tom Perriello -- who i didn't even know was running for congress, much less having won. for the record, he is definitely not gay, not that it's any of your business. Yale is quite possibly the most gay-friendly Ivy, if not one of the most gay friendly schools in the country. Tom was known for being QUITE clear throughout all 4 years of his affection and attraction to women... I saw it first hand.

Oh Tom-Tom, you playboy! *playful slap* tbh, can't really imagine this either (you saw it FIRST HAND, like he was macking right in front of you?), but man do I want to. fap fap fap fap fap

He's in love with me. And I'm still in school. That's why he's not married. We met in New York. I broke his heart. It's a loong story.

OH I SEE ONE OF US LEFT A COMMENT HERE. - seriously it was one of us, right? I refuse to believe there's some other girl, in school (college age? MY age?) who BROKE HIS HEART and TALKS ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET. Shame on a ho. I bet it's that Winter Queen bitch. arthurclennam knows what I'm talking about.

he is ..... not like other men, someone is going to get stabbed, tom perriello ello ello eh eh eh, possibly clubbing in soho, can anybody find me somebody to love?, ... i saw it first hand, the tom-tom club, affection and attraction

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