Check out this blatant Obama rip off (International Lulz)

Sep 26, 2009 14:49

Okay, so election season has hit Chile and one of the four candidates for president, center-right wing Sebastian Pinera has put a sort of "get out the vote" video in Spanish on one of his many YouTube channels (he has like three. And his whole family is on Twitter too. They love them some social networking).

image Click to view

Hmmm...that looks quite familiar to this other video put out by NARAL Pro-Choice America to get out the vote for Barack Obama back in 2008.

image Click to view

lol at this right-winger's fanboying of Obama. And the fact that he had both Jesus and Charles Darwin as two of his "Top 10 Favorite People from History" (I'll try to get screencaps of that, but it seems to be taken off the website).

lulz that crosses continents

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