Sebastian Pinera = Chile's President of Lulz

Jul 07, 2009 00:22

Keep in mind while watching this lulzy vid, that Pinera is the right-wing candidate for Chile's presidency...(and I know my LA icon isnt accurate, there just aren't very many icons that are Chile-themed out there D: )

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Watch to the end and see the lulzy collage of Obama pictures set to some classic Obama '08 campaign music.

The translation of the information text reads as follows:

"Sebastián Piñera speaks on the election of a new U.S. president, the Democratic candidate Barack Obama, who was elected Tuesday by a large majority of Americans.

Piñera calls to follow the example of Obama and invites young people to dream."

LOLOLOLOL. This video came from his official YouTube channel, which probably means he made it himself. His (right wing) coalition is called the "Coalition por Cambio" (Coalition for Change) and Pinera's motto is "Cambio, Futuro y Esperanza" (Change, the future and hope). LOL BB IS TOTES RIPPING OFF OF OBAMA. Like I understand that Obama's really popular around the world, but it's just lulzy to see this coming from a right wing candidate (and right wing in Latin America is like legit right wing, not like "right wing in Europe that would be center-left here in the US" or whatever).

Although he's been adorably fail in the past (he's run for president before, back in 2005 against socialist Bachelet), many analysts think Pinera may like...actually win...this time around. Which is odd, cause the right wing in Chile had and still has close ties to Pinochet/Pinochet's friends (though Pinera is a little bit of a ~maverick~ and brags about how he voted "no" in 1988 and how he thinks that Pinochet was the worst president in Chile's history), which is why they haven't been elected since the fall of the dictatorship in 1990.

He has a website:

and a twitter: (I followed him, but unlike his competitors, he hasn't followed me back D: )

And, I'll end this long international (hopefully) lulz filled post with some Christmas greetings from Sebastian and Family:

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...if you are intrigued moar by Chile politics, then add me as an LJ friend. Cause that's like all I post about now xD

lulz that crosses continents

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