At Hpme For A Few Minutes Of My Day

Sep 06, 2005 21:32

So i came home today because i didnt have to go to work (thank god) and i dont like my roomate at all and i didnt feel like being there with her and her melodramatic friends crisis going on. so i came home to be with my parents and my precious babies!! School is school. the work isnt hard, just alot of it. mostly busy work and reading. you totally have to know how to manage your time. and i would have to say that i am doing a better damn good job for being a freshman and still working as much as i possibly can so i can keep my bank account filled and possibly save up enough to get the new speakers i want...yea right. that is a chot in the dark with no hope behind it.

so i got to queens hoping to find people who have grown up out of highschool mode and have gotten into their young adult! if you want that you have to go to the seniors and most of the time i dont feel like doing that. i go to my classes come home do hw and then go to work and do more hw there. its all quite boring. but hey whatever. i am there, afterall, to be educated.

I had the best weekend i have ever had in a long time. My room mate went to the beach with her boyfriend thursday night and left me there all alone!! so naturally brandon spent the night with me! and besides the fact that those dorms have smaller beds, it was the most amazing weekend ever!! i loved waking up beside him. being in his arms, feeling his presence was great!!! we stayed up late just talking and having a good time. being totally honest with each other, falling in a deeper love, if thats even possible. and then in the morning..or afternoon, when we woke up we just laid there, being with each other. then he started tickling me and i had no power over him what so ever. i was laughing so hard i lost all my energy to try and get away. it was great! i loved every minute of it! then we went out and got some lunch and then i went and got my other industrial pierced, but then he had to go home and watch his lil sisters cause his parents went down to mississippi to check on their relatives. which by the way they are all good! and then he came back up sunday take me to work. and he worked to and we had even more fun together. and then since it was labor day he decided to spend the night again!!! i mean he did have to go all the way back to RH to get a shower and get some jammies and then come all the way back, i went with him, it was fun. and we stayed up again talking and being sweet and cuddly. all the mushy things couples do. and slept late and then he had to be at work at 3 and he was my ride so i went with him i had to be there at 6 anyways. all in all it was an amazing weekend and i wish it never had to end. it was like living the life i think about for my future. it was awesome! i will always remember this past weekend, it will always be my favorite!

and im thinking that i should explain why he was my ride, seeing as how i have my own jeep and all....yea well my jeep is drivable, but im a lil paranoid about driving it and driving in general. on the 31st i was backing up and out of nowhere a porsche is behind me. it wasnt all my fault, or all his fault. my exhaust went thru his radiator and what not...ugh....bad bad bad day that day. so whenever i start it it sounds like a gunshot and its not pretty at all...ugh..the exhaust is totally bent down....and what pisses me off the most was that i had just gotten it back from getting the front part fixed.....fuck...oh well.....ok im go now, i need to get back to my dorm...laters yall!

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