Oct 10, 2007 10:16
I would say I'm overwhelmed, but perplexed is more accurate.
I used to get really stressed out when there were ten gabijillion things to do. I think because I was still trying to fit everything in. Right now, I don't really feel stressed exactly. More like ->
I'm working pretty hard.
Things are getting done.
Yet, ten gabiljillion still todo.
Therefore: ~shrug~
Odd to feel not terribly stressed, and yet --> so much todo, I can't really so much contemplate it all at the same time. I've got my lists, and a semblance of prioritizing, so it all just feels manageable, and yet --> also... impossible is the wrong word. Perhaps --> improbable.
That being said: got our credit reports (as first step towards really doing this Mortgage Thing, so we can do the Buying A House thing.) Credit reports are positive. yay.
Met a local real estate agent yesterday. He was v. enthusiastic, sincere, and also slightly unfocused. It was kind of weird, I felt sometimes like I was the consultant and he was the client... like I had to reassure him constantly. No, I'm not going to get mad at you, if I get too many search results. Yes, I will make certain my spam filter doesn't lock your email out. No, I'm not going to get mad at you if the current owner of a place I'm supposed to see flakes. Yes, I will get my husband to sign the Important Paper (oops, I was supposed to do that yesterday), so you can officially be working for us.
Anyway -> we had a nice 1.5 hour chat in which he became enthusiastic at our prospects towards actually finding someplace we can afford. We went through his listings, and he sent me 30 (!) to start looking through. The plan being: (1) Bitmonger and I do drive-bys of those 30, and narrow them down to 10. (2) Real Estate Agent (REA) and I will go see those 10, and narrow them down to 3. (3) Bitmonger, REA and I will see those three. (4)... (5)Profit! (or something like that)
I think its time for me to do some work. Or maybe call a bank. Mortgages... Bah. --> ~shrug~