Pine Nuts Attacking me

Apr 08, 2009 14:41


So... I've been experimenting with Pesto. I made a really lovely one a month ago with walnuts and maybe too much garlic, and it was awesome. And so last week, after I ran out of the previous month's batch, I decided to make another, this time with less garlic, more basil, and pine nuts instead of the walnuts.

So, I have some the day I make it, and it's glorious. Woo.
Then a couple of days later (Monday?) I have some leftover pesto pasta from the fridge, and about half-way through it starts tasting kinda weirdly bitter. So, I give up at some point. And go about my business. Tuesday morning, I have my customary glass of milk for breakfast.... weird bitter taste again. It gets worse every time I eat. And then, after a while it fades.

This continues through the day. Everything I eat tastes bitter. It's driving me completly batshit bonkers crazy. Tea that's already bitter doesn't taste more bitter, so that's weirdly acceptably. I guess.

Still going on this morning.

Lunch? I can't bring myself to eat anything. I put a lone cold unsauced leftover spaghetti noodle in my mouth. ~explosion of bitter awful~

Aight. Google? 'Splain.

So, I wander about google, checking various things... getting more and more paranoid about metal poisonings (but I don't have fillings), and cancer and thrush (but no white coating on tongue) and lord only knows what all else, but no one really has the same symptoms exactly. They tend to be having lots of other problems and symptoms to go with it, and the timing is different. Until I find another sufferer on a blog, and they say:

I have had the bitter taste for 5 days now. I taste bad in the morning, and when I eat food, especially sweet food, tastes bitter. The bitter taste goes away in between meals.

I'm like that's it. That's the problem. Ok, so what is it?

Apparently, it's Pine Nuts. (Hence the intro with the pesto information.)

It's this new problem. Apparently old-ass pine nuts (often blamed on China) give people weird bitter mouth sensations starting several days after ingestion and going on up to... two weeks. ~twitches~

Hey, at least I don't have cancer. or lead poisoning.
Thank god for google. I can only imagine what my doctors would have said (or wouldn't have said, rather).

* EJEM: Taste Disturbance after pine nut ingestion
* Wikipedia: Risks of Eating Pine Nuts
* Steady Health: Bitter Taste in Mouth While Eating
* E Health Forum: Bitter Taste In Mouth

health, food

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