Sandbox's Vampire06: Dear President Obama Highlights:
* Roads; we need more of them. A lot more! This is the cornerstone to building Afghanistan and the government.
* Next we need education. Only about 10% of the Afghans are literate. This means that 90% of knowledge and news is spread through verbal means. Thus, you’re at the whim of whoever is telling you the information.
* Logistics suck! No ifs, ands or buts about it. This is day 26 for this team without mail. ... I haven’t seen a PX in three months and I just ran out of deodorant and soap today. My wife mailed some to me in the middle of December, but I haven’t seen it yet. As they say, “Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics."
* You probably won’t hear any of this from the higher ups. They’ll tell you we need more combat troops, but we can’t even support the ones we already have here. They should tell you to send engineers and logisticians, but that’s not too sexy.