Man, I haven't updated in a while. Anyhow, here's a meme from
tacomeow Four Jobs I've Had:
- Research Assistant @ University of Toronto, Psychology Department
- Student! (lol, yeah, i know what's kinda stupid.... but you know how
when they ask for your employment info 'student' is always a choice??)
- there's no more
- seriously, there's no more.... i'm telling ya man.
Four Movies I can watch over and over:
- The Shawshank Redemption
- James Bond movies (they just never gets old...)
- Sound of Music (my mom keep on asking me every Christmas why I watch it even though I've seen it like half a dozen times)
- Star Wars (yes, i know i'm nerdy)
Four Places I've Lived:
- Jinan, China
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada (yeah, that's sorta cheating... but not really...)
- Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Four TV shows I Love:
- X-Files!
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Highlander
Four Places I've Vacationed:
- bunch of places in China
- New England area
- Pusan and Tong Yeong, Korea
- could have gone to California and Hawaii if my parents had only let
me go with my grandparents when they went to visit my uncle and his
Four of My Favourite Dishes:
- lasagna
- poutine
- chives and eggs, sorta like an omelette...
- Sushi
Four Sites I Visit Daily:
- LiveJournal
- 4 of my regular emails
- the utm psychology experiment database
- different course websites (man... i'm nerdy...)
Four Places I would Rather Be Right Now:
- in bed
- somewhere warm
- frozen in time
- in an alternate universe
Four Bloggers I am Tagging:
who ever wants to do this is welcome, it's good for prcrastinating...