Jun 22, 2005 23:50
Here's a meme i picked up from tacomeow. Just procrastinating from reading my Roman History textbook.
1. Favourite Scent: cucumber scented lotion... it smells sooo good.
2. Favorite way to relax: reading manga, watching tv
3. Favorite movie you own: I only own like 2 movies... so it'll have to be the X-Files Movie, Fight the Future!
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: that's a lot.... but I guess I'll have to say Sound of Music... I just love singing to it... lol.
5. Favorite male celebrity: that's hard...... i'm kinda fickle when it comes to things like this, but at the moment it's Michael Rosenbaum (go Lex Luthor!)
6. Favorite female celebrity: don't really have one... but I guess Julie Andrews (again with the singing... lol)
7. Favorite book genre: mystery... no duh....
8. Favorite clothing store: I have to agree with Jenny, RW&Co. They have niiiice stuff... although i can't afford it...
9. Favorite cartoon character: hmm... i'm thinking this doesn't include anime.... so i'll pick Jerry (from Tom and Jerry, if anybody knows them, it's kinda old). if including anime it'll be Kira/Lucifer...hahaha
10. Pass the torch and tag three of your LJ friends: not gonna bother doing this....
Note: fixed it.... sort of... now i have a new problem.... gah.... whatever