I am bored

Nov 01, 2005 02:39

luluboopeaches's Halloween party:

____________12 dressed as a angel.

__heartletsgo dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Victoria.

addydih dressed as Master Shake.

aegis_one dressed as something drowsy, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

ajnovak dressed as Kelly Hu's mother-in-law.

beanbabe4 dressed as a still zombie, and it suited them all too well.

becca_phisig dressed as Calista Flockhart.

bigmirfystyle dressed as a senior corporate spy overseer.

btrflyprncss_dt dressed as a cigarette.

butterflyz54 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

buttrflygodess dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Greasy Toadpants".

caseyj didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

cassandra421 dressed as a coil.

chevykeg dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Crystal of Virtue, though it looked more like a lucky sleeve.

chrispaloma dressed as the equator.

cousinannie dressed as a outfielder for the Red Sox, though it looked more like a 1970's disco child.

covered_in_neon dressed as the Magic Power Ranger.

crys2345 dressed as the love child of Bruce Springsteen and Janet Reno.

dertyrob dressed as a character from "Platoon".

drive_me_away dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley, and it suited them all too well.

dzellezn dressed as Optimus Prime.

eagerinpink dressed as a new superhero: Human Baby.

eve6girl22 dressed as a new superhero: Emerald Cyborg, though it looked more like Vanna White.

guycalleddave dressed as Gabriella Sabitini.

hashbashash02 dressed as Barney the dinosaur.

jazzlesweets19 dressed as Connie Chung.

jterrill dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Insane Enchanter.

kangaroo231 dressed as a zombie.

katiecometrue22 dressed as a character from "Before Sunset".

kurleekyew dressed as the Marquis of Kelseyburg.

kuruk dressed as a 1990's grunge child.

lday5105 dressed as a Level 7 thief.

lilphisig83 dressed as Anna Nicole Smith.

lisagbaby dressed as Barney the dinosaur.

lonewulf dressed as a Madison Norman Real Estate employee.

materialgirl850 dressed as a ankle, and it suited them disturbingly well.

mattkuspa dressed as Kurt Cobain.

meltstuff dressed as a valley.

mibbyle dressed as a kicker for the Browns.

misscthegoddess dressed as Warren G. Harding.

moeymuffin826 forgot to put on clothes!

music22124 dressed as Gabrielle Union riding a moose.

nbtweendreamz dressed as Ted Williams.

newfoundamy42 dressed as the Cardinal of Green Maple.

nitemix dressed as Dr. Crusher from "Star Trek".

nooblet dressed as a rat.

pardonme12 dressed as a ferret.

peashooter dressed as a bottle of Apliara.

penguinaurora dressed as Dan Fouts, and it suited them all too well.

pfunkxprincess dressed as Christina Aguilera.

phisigbethieboo dressed as a wrist.

princess_liz dressed as your sister.

purple_monkey84 dressed as Michelle Trachtenberg riding a elk.

rabidg0at dressed as the King of Japan.

rachielynn dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Irate Mastermind, though it looked more like a computer.

schnei_dog dressed as a ghost.

sexydexxy gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the Porcelain Power Ranger.

shadowsarecold dressed as Herbert Hoover.

shana_jade dressed as someone who just poked themselves in the eye.

shorty838 dressed as a skeleton.

sienna_blaze dressed as Ulysses S Grant.

skyepixie dressed as a 1970's disco child.

slimnshorty dressed as the Viscount of Levaketqade.

sneakie_boz dressed as Princess Leia, though it looked more like a disturbing self-made character called "Chim-Chim Pizzalips".

sphinxgurl dressed as Mandy Moore.

sweeauuoeet dressed as your uncle, and it suited them all too well.

tarefson dressed as the love child of Dan Quayle and Anna Nicole Smith, though it looked more like a discharge.

unbearabletome dressed as the Governor of Georgia.

zackiepoo02fsu dressed as a buffalo.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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