Sep 08, 2005 05:49
Classes are great. Here is the info:
Bio 207-AKA Forensic Biology. Cool class. Kinda boring lecture but once in awhile you'll learn a really interesting tidbit of info. Lab will be cool. The first lab was drab but tomorrow I think we get to start playing with dead pigs. Yum.
Psychology of Personality- Had the prof over the summer but this time we're not going over a chapter a day. WHAT A BITCH THAT WAS! Especially since he may quiz us whenever we start a new over the summer I was reading a chapter or 2 a night as well as doing all the questions that may be on the quiz. His tests are easy tho so that is something to look forward to.
Physiological Psych- Boring class but the prof seems cool. She basically told us today that she knows the lecture is boring. But the bad thing was that she continued lecturing...and then she dimmed the lights...not a good thing. It should be a fine class.
Psych 210- AKA Statistics...would be an amazing class if the fucking bookstore ordered enough books. GEEZ what dumbasses. Esp. at Great Lakes...the lady who owns the place or whatever needs to stop taking her menopause out on me. WHORE. At least the class is taught by my fave psych prof.
French 301- Last class for my minor in French. The class interfered with my schedule so my prof who is amazing by the way is letting me do it as an independent study. That is a guaranteed A.
In other news:
Working a 12-4am shift and then a 4-7am shift is not my cup of tea. I know, I did it to myself but I need the money...who needs sleep when there are bills to pay? :/
Stephen Lynch show October 26. Yay. That will be amazing...probably even better the second time because we will be without a certain douchebag.
Sorority Recruitment is next week. Can't wait til it's over but it is going to be amazing, I can feel it.
*Just in case you didn't already know, I have my priorities other on the other hand...suck*