Hi, y'all! Well, I've spent the part of today I've been awake, being a friend. It's made me really think about what it takes to be a good one. It's kind of all about listening as well as talking, being there as much as you can, and knowing when to make yourself scarce, sharing sstuff, from laughter to tears, but also knowing when to mind your own business. It's not always easy, sometimes you risk losing someone you really value because you need to shoot straight from the hip, but if you really care, then you take that risk, because you owe it to the person in question, as wel as to your own conscience. Friendship is an amazing thing really, when you come to think of it. My record in relationships may suck the big one, but I hope like hell I can always be a good friend!
So, having bored your asses off with my homespun philosophy, what did I do today? Man, I was tired last night, too tired to sleep! It took me ages to get off! When I did, I finally woke up at 1 pm! I crawled in here, picked up the mail, had a brief skypage with
kwpodcast and
jenfairhurst and checked into TT with Clare,
wordwizzard1000, and a sometimes around
dj_tt who was having mega net problems! Later I had a long skype chat with
afro_thunder and chatted via msn to
sazel_c and
Now I've just come off skype with
i_am_rob, who's just giving Jarred lunch before breaking out his new trekker, and it's a damn wonder my jaw isn't falling off! Lol! I won't be in bed late tonight, I've really got to be up and out tomorrow, lots of shopping and stuffage to do, plus I'm meeting gram to give her lunch. I'm looking forward to that. This week's going to be a testing one! I just pray for strength to get through it. If I get shaky, I'll remember my personal piece of sunshine, and the blessings I get from all my amazing, precious friends!
And that's your lot for today! Huge huggies to all my friends, wherever you are in the world. 143, my precious R E D, now and always. Thoughtful Smile. See y'all.