Dec 13, 2020 16:47
Dear lJ.
Well look who didnt' turn up for five whole days. Sorry sorry, life got crazy, I got sleep deprived and busy. Anyway, here I am now, so let me catch you up.
The big news is that Projectus Maximus is complete at last! Oh my lord, it feels good to be able to write that. I think I'll do it again, just for kicks, you know. Projectus Maximus is complete at last! That means all my radio work for Christmas is done, except for the ongoing stuff I have to do every week of the live long year! I won't get any time off from doing the dreaded playlists. Oh well, you can't have everything, and my life feels very gold plated at the moment, so I have no cause for complaint.
Nothing huge has happened since Tuesday, Wednesday was videos and crafting in the morning. In the afternoon, I think that was the day my dropbox went splat. We thought it was our problem, it turned out it wasn't, it was their problem and we needed to download a new build of it to fix, but poor Mr B spent ages trying to fix it. Still, one good thing came out of that. He can now remote on to my machine from his, so he can look after it better from the comfort of his own desk, without having to come over here when I'm not around. I trust Mr B absolutely and know he'd never do anything but good to my machine or look into private stuff, not that I have any.
One cool thing, I managed to get an old game I used to have working on this machine again. River Raiders isn't being developed now, it won't save scores anymore, which is annoying, and it's a tad buggy, sometimes it just crashes for no reason, but I'm very glad to have it again as I've always loved it. It makes me nostalgic for the days when games were arcade games, there were loads of developers and you could develop stuff without fear of being massacred on, which is about the worst thing ever invented in my opinion. Not the fault of those who invented it either. It was supposed to be a force for good in the audiogames community, but we all know what the road to hell is paved with. I feel profoundly sorry for game devs these days. They're expected to produce complex, chalenging games with great sound, great stories, great everything, and they have to be absolutely perfect, oh, and they mustn't cost hardly a cent. They mustn't be too easy, nor too hard, or God help them. It's no wonder we have hardly anyone developing games for us anymore, and precious few people wanting to make mainstream games accessible. I mean, look at what happened with MetalPop. They bent over backwards to make Crafting Kingdom accessible, took endless, endless trouble for us, I know because I was there for most of the beginning stages with that game. And then Galactic Colonies comes out and the accessibility isn't quite ready but it's being worked on, and people in our community are one starring it, and what happens? The accessibility team had to fight to get accessibility, people saying well, if they're going to behave like that, why bother about them? And I for one don't blame them. Apparently the game is accessible, I haven't played it, but I wouldn't have blamed them for leaving us to stew! Constructive feedback is one thing, I believe in that, it's helpful if it's properly done. Destructive criticism is just destructive.
My word! Where did all that come from. I suppose when I get on here I just shake the dust and asheses out of my brains. But while we're doing that, before I get back to the point, and while I seem to be in minor rant mode, I heard something last night that shook me up so much I had trouble sleeping. I don't know why it got to me so much, but it really did. I heard someone tweeting, or should I say saw, that only ten thousand people in the US had died of Covid, that if you were vaccinated you would be microchipped, that Covid was treatable, that no one ever needed to be hospitalised and equally wild, excuse the word, shit. I swear to God, my jaw was on the floor. Does anyone believe this total bullcrap? Obviously, the person spreading it did, but what? It got to me because what kind of people spread this? Why would they? It's paranoid, it's evil, pernicious, wicked nonsense! It could prevent vulnerable people from getting the help they need. The thought of it really, really gets to me. Well, let's just say I won't be seeing that on Twitter again. Yikes!
Ok, enough with the venting, what else have I been doing? Wrapping. Well, I guess I've been doing a kind of rapping right here! If I could have put all that stuff into rhyme it would have made a great rap don't you think? Anyway, I've spent most of yesterday wrapping presents like a maniac. We now have two extra large santa sacks full of gifts. This Christmas is going to be epic with a capital E! I'm getting more excited about it every day.
I guess that's about all, today has been a quiet one, being with mr B, doing some gentle work, listening to music, tweeting at friends, nothing spectacular, but nice. soon I'll have dinner before more of the same. I'll probably watch some more Splatoon with lacey this evening. I know, she's not real, but I like to watch it with her beside me and pretend. Doing this series of advent videos with her has brought her, I and Mr B very close and we're all very happy at the moment. Long may it continue. Guess I'll bounce out of here for now. Take care till next time. More ranting? Bet you can hardly wait! heehee!
audio games,
projectus maximus,
christmas presents,
lacey advent,
conspiracy theories