Hi, peeps! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I really should have done, but, um, I didn't, so there! Teeheehee!
I woke up late yesterday morning, my meds keep me so zonked out these days, I hate the way they waste so many hours, but I certainly do seem to be less panicky now they've upped this dose. So, up, breakfast, do a bit of tweet checking and mail catching up. One good friend is in Vegas for the weekend, and of course my fathful partner in crime and constant sidekick
blindwriter4god is away being spoiled for the weekend. I'm glad she's having a wonderful time, but missing her like hell!
Anyway, I get into a shower, and get organized, before settling down to a serious game of Treasure Mania. I've so been bitten by that bug in recent days, don't ask me why. probably just a phase I'm going through! About three-ish, Mum and Geoff arrive. They check the mail, and fill in income support forms. Then we sit and relax for a while. Charles plays the piano and sings. Gosh, I love his voice, he can sing me right under the table! I've printed out a few of my little stories and stuff, because Mum wanted to show them to Geoff, and they spend a while reading them. They seem to like them, which is nice.
Just as they're leaving I get a text from Nanna, to say she's home safe, for which I thank heaven. Once they're gone, I call her on Skype, and find her in a sorry state. Her friend Chris had a cold, and kindly handed it over as a farewell gift! So there was our Nanna, sniffling and sounding like Tina Turner, and feeling like hell on a plate. Still, she wanted to stay on Skype with us while I got the supper. I made tuna and pasta in creamy mushroom and garlic sauce, and it was smelling supberb. We have a routine here, we pull a bean bag up to the table, and put the headset on it, so Nanna can talk to us and we to her while we eat. (I should explain, I have the audio set so that her voice comes out of my speakers, but the microphone input is set to the headset while I'm moving about the room). Anyway, we were just about to say Grace, when Skype kicked us. I hurry back to try to reconnect the call, and find that it isn't just Skype, but the whole net that's down.
Now a normal person might have eaten dinner and then tried to reconnect the net, but who says I'm normal. Being without the net throws me into full freak out mode. So I had to get it back, or at least try, before I ate a bite. Luckily, once I rebooted, the net was fine. The dinner was yummelicious too!
After dinner, Nanna had to go to bed, and so I read some, and talked to some of my friends on Twitter, and suddenly at about nine O'clock, I felt bone weary! I just had to shut up shop for the night and go to bed! I slept immediately, until nine this morning, and woke with a pounding head!
I crawled in here to check my huge bundle of tweets and Emails, and jumped on Skype. I'd left it up and online all night! honestly! Once I'd had some breakfast I got into my treasure hunting again! We were joined soon by
thespyde and
fleurett67 and a nice conference has just ended when Nettie froze and charles had to restart, and Fleurette had to go for lunch. Now I'm just sitting here writing, and Nanna is talking to Christer. Later on I shall go shopping, and I just hope for a nice, peaceful day. Maybe I'll write more laters, but for now, it's off I popski! Huggies, all!