Shiny Happy Entry part 6

Apr 19, 2009 21:20

Hi folkies, gosh today is going to be hard to find something to be happy about, as it hasn't been a very good one! Woke up thinking that bed felt really really good, also saw faint dee-da, dee-da on off flashes in the very corner of my eyes, which means, "you may have to wait a while, girlie, but I, the Migraine monster, am coming for you, sure as Christmas! It's only a matter of time, and when I do come, I'm sure going to be mean, bad and very bleh indeed!"

Well, it's Sunday, and I don't want to miss church, so I struggle into my good clothes, according to the telephone weather forecast it's going to be warm, so I put on a thin top, big mistake. It's warmish, but not warm enough for that! I make breakfast, and Charles sees to Bo before we head out the door. Gosh the doughnuts were good today, light as a fairy's kiss, and the chocolate milk I had with them was as luscious as ever.

About halfway through Sunday school, the monster hit hard and fast, Charles's voice kept fading in and out, I struggled to concentrate as the flashes and vertigo hit with full force, with pain coming behind. Well, we got through class, and the service began. Charles sang the special, thank Goodness, absolutely beautiful as usual! Gosh, he can sing me right under the table and out the other side! Then Bro Paul began his sermon, and this is where things get hazy. I don't know how far he'd got, but suddenly I woke up flat out on the floor. For a moment I was too completely dizzy and disoriented to move or think, I could hear Bro Paul's voice though, just going on talking, giving his sermon. No one was near me, I'd taken a header off my pew on to the floor, and no one had turned a hair! Now usually, if the Migraine manifests itself in one of these black out wing dings, people fuss so bad they want to call 999, or in this country 911 which is pointless, it's just all part of the migraine monster, I come round, just need to go home and sleep.

But here, nothing but nothing was happening at all. Oh well, I thought, fine, perhaps they're used to people falling out of pews on to the floor! When I was feeling less dizzy, maybe about five or so minutes later, I dragged myself off the floor into a sitting position, and by slow degrees back on to the seat.

After the service, when Charles came down from the piano, I told him what had happened, and while Bro Paul was driving us home, Charles told him, and asked if he'd seen me fall. "oh yes, said Bro Paul, I thought you had got the Holy Spirit, so I told people to let you be!" can you believe that? Catch that happening in our country! I had to smile!

Well, that's really all I have to report, as when I got home I went straight to bed, and to sleep, and I've only just woken up and read my friends' page. I'm now about to listen to freakyfwoof and kiss212's wedding, to which I'm looking forward, I'm still feeling a bit groggy. I saw another survey in ezzie_j's journal, but can't do it tonight, though it will get done! O yes o yes o my word yes! As a certain bear would say. I can just see you on a quad bike, big bear!

Right, that's your lot I'm out, except for my shiny happy thing. Bit difficult to find something today, I'll pick Charles, playing his fiddle just now. I've never heard anyone playing the fiddle live in a room before, he's good! Huge hugguggugguggugguggles to all my friends. Boyng erm no. Don't think I'll try that! See y'all!

fiddle, black out, migraine, church, doughnut, charles

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