Another Hill To Climb.

Feb 02, 2009 17:02

Hi. Do other people who are sad feel as if every new day is like climbing a steep hill? You think you're nearing the top, you'll get to the ridge, your legs will stop aching, you'll get your breath back, that nasty stitch in your side will soon go away, and then pow! You wake up on another day, and find yourself right back at the bottom, with everything to do over. Some days aren't like that, I'll grant you, some days you wake up halfway up, and the climb isn't so steep, some days you don't have to climb at all, but today I've woken right at the bottom.

So, I woke, came in here, talked on skype, then signed into msn and had two meaningful conversations with people, straightening out wires with one, cclearing stuff up with another who thought I was mad at them. I also chatted to other people along the way. I had coffee, tried to eat a little, but could only nibble, my stomach's locked up tight. Did some housework, now Sarah's here and the flat's getting its weekly makeover. I just feel so tired,and drained, and so desperately sad! I used to get annoyed with someone when they used to say they wanted to run away and never come back. I'm sorry now that I wasn't more sympathetic. That's exactly what I feel like doing. Just running away, far away! But the problem with that is, however far you run you take yourself and your problems with you, so I'll just have to stay, and keep climbing the hills till they get smaller and easier.

arah, climbing hillls, skype, friends

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