Hi y'all! I said I'd never rant about people again, I made no promises about websites, who have no audio chalenge, and who say they will get a customer representative to talk to you and hhelp you create an account. O very nice, but all that happens is you get an automated Email, asking you to call a toll-free number, and after you've been on hold for a year and a day, I'm sure someone will help you! Only thing is, as I don't live in the states, that number ain't toll free.
So, I wanted to join
blindwriter4god's roll-playing group, or rather the one she's in. I needed a yahoo account. I spent most of the evening trying to get one. I got to join the group, but couldn't do anything because I didn't have an account. So my sighted bro helps me set up an account, but I still can't post to the groups, because I am not a full member, I have not clicked this particular button, and I cannot completely join this group until I have filled out this code thing, and if I cannot fill out the code thing, then will I please call this toll-free number where, after a year and a day, someone will be pleased to help me! Will someone take my head out of the oven before I turn it on?
Ok, have stopped for a cool drink of tropical juice, and feel better. Yumpsk! Well, so on the roll-playing front I'm no further forward. I'm also running on empty today, went out and did some jobs,but don't know quite how! Had five hours' sleep this afters, got ordered to go, so went. The Lifeline doesn't normally say boo, so in this case, I get told, I listen!
There was a hellish row on the Zone this evening, which I walked right into the middle of, and someone I've never even spoken one word to ignored me, just for daring to voice an opinion. Ah well, so it goes! But wow! The language! And the insults were flying right and left! Lucky not to get mowed down in the crossfire! Thing is, it shouldn't put anyone who just wants to play the games and chat privately off, it's a neat place.
Went on Team Talk again earlier, but couldn't stay long. Later went on another server with
wordwizard1000 and that was cool till I started getting a panic attack! Bleh! Feeling a smidge calmer, the link's soon home from church, and I. am. going. to. bed. soon!
Well, I seem to be done. Huggles to all my special people, in fact big huggles to you all! Nighty night!
Oh, and may yahoo explode, turn into a red helium baloon, fly to the moon, turn into chocolate buttons, rain down from the sky and give us all a treat! Then may it be put back together, and made a zillion per cent easier, and more accessible! Ok, really finished! Nighters all! Hugs!