Character Background: Rhonwin

Jan 25, 2011 02:11

 I am bored, waiting painfully for a 40 minute DPS heroic queue.  So, to kill time, I am writing up a page about a toon I started a few nights ago on Wyrmrest Accord RP server.


Name: Rhonwin "Ronnie" Skythunder
Race: Dwarf
Clan: Wildhammer Clan
Class: Shaman / Gryphon Rider


Age: 34
Gender: Female
Body Type: Average dwarf-- short and stocky
Birthplace: Aerie Peak
Current Home: Ironforge

Physical Description:
Ronnie has long red windblown hair that is messily tied into two long braids behind her head.  Her complexion is tanned, freckled, and slightly wind-worn from years of flying among the hinterlands.  She has a jolly yet fiery countenance with a quirky grin and bright eyes.  Blue paint is drawn across her eyes in the Wildhammer fashion. Her voice is rich and heavily accented.  Her boisterous laugh is easily recognizable.  
Ronnie's wardrobe consists of tribal like mail armor, decorated with gryphin plumes.  The Wildhammer Clan tabard covers her chest, clean albeit shabby from years of wear and tear.  A long chain with a wooden amulet dangles around her neck, in it carved the insignia of the Earthen Ring.

Fiery and upbeat, Ronnie is very extroverted.  Though usually friendly and forward,  she can become quite fiery and loud when provoked.  She is not easily intimidated and will often shoot her mouth.  This has gotten her into trouble more than once, especially since her colorful array of insults can get very creative.  Though she doesn't seem it outwardly, Ronnie does have a gentle side. She is quick to cheer up and consolidate those who are down, often telling them 'there there, its not as bad is it seem! Chin up, ya?"

Will update more later...
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