just to kill sum time....

Oct 20, 2003 15:47

What time is it:: 3:47
Name:: Laura
Parents names on birth certificate:: does it really matter? just look back at other surveys im sure its on there sumwhere.
Nickname(s):: LuLu
Tattoo(s):: not yeeeeeettt....
Pet(s):: 2 cats, tabby and tinkerbelle.
Natural hair color:: dark brown
Eye color:: shit brown.
How much do you love yer job (1-10):: uh, 5? its cool cuz i can sit around and not do anything and ppl are fun and nice, but it sux cuz i dont get paid much, and i have shit hours.
Birth place:: baltimore, md
Current residence:: pasadena, md %#*&*)^
Favorite food:: cheese
Been to Africa:: hasnt everyone? lol
Been toilet papering:: yeps
Loved someone so much that it made you cry:: yeah. maybe not IN love, but definatly loved.
Been in a car accident:: yup
Croutons or bacon bits:: crutons
Favorite day of the week:: Saturday.
Favorite word or phrase:: fuck
Favorite resturant:: umm.... kyoto maybe. (the sushi place in severna park.),
Favorite flower:: lillys, and daisys, and orchids, and roses of course (orange and purple ones are my faaavorite)
Favorite drink:: mountain dew
Favorite ice cream:: mint chocolate chip
Favorite fast-food resturant:: taco hell!
Which store would you love to max your credit card at:: ikea maybe...
Most annoying thing people ask/say to you:: i dont know. cant think of one. ooo "why do u have a tack in ur ear"
Favorite TV show(s):: will and grace, lizzie maguire, and sum others..
Ford or Chevy:: honda.
Chocolate or vanilla:: depends on my mood
AND FINALLY! Do you think the almighty name of Bob is holy:: ummm no.
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