its all nightmare before christmas's fault. if wade hadnt put that fucking cd in.......

Oct 01, 2003 18:47

soooo yeah this sux ass. i was leaving wades community with him like 2 hrs ago, and i pulled out off his street and fucking hit this ladys car. yes, it was moving. haha. i just didnt look close enough b4 i pulled out. dumbass i am. yes i know. sooo i dented in her door and a little part of her corner panel, so its gona be a few thousand dollars. but my insurance will cover it, so i just have to pay the deductable which is either 50$ or 150$, we dont remember. so that sux my ass hole. but luckily i have the money rite now. but grr that sux cuz i was trying to save money to fucking move out soon. oh well life goes on. u know, its a damn good thing im so fucking optimistic, cuz i could be quite upset rite now, but im just like, eh, wutever. so anywayssss.... the lady turned out to be kinda nice and funny, and she knows wades family so that was interesting.
wutever. new subject.
last night was fun. took manda to school with me at 12 and she sat around writing while iw as in class, and then we went to annapolis to drop off tracys clothes, and then to work to give mrs carol get better flowers, and then to reisterstown. sat around with russ and decker watching family guy till ben got home from work. then watched more family guy, then russ took carter to missy, then watched more family guy haha then went to finaly find sumthing to do. ended up going to don pablos for dinner after a quick trip to owings mills mall to get money. that was fun. very yummy food. then we had to go home cuz i had to be home by 12. well, we were spos to leave at 11, cuz its about a 35 minute drive, and i had to take manda home too. well we didnt end up leaving till 11:30 cuz we were retarded and stood outside saying goodbye for a 1/2 hr. haha. but it was worth it :) and then we left and drove like a fucking racecar driver home, got manda to her house at like 11:56, and then i managed to make it back to my house at 12:01. daaaamn that was good. i duno how we did it, but we did. oooh yeah. hah it was nice. soo that was my evening.
as far as i know, bens coming down tomorrow after i get off work to hang out with me. and then friday me him and decker are driving up to lancaster to go to the angry young and poor store. yey fun times to be had. hehehe.
ok thats all for now.
on to the survey.....

-- Name: Laura Elizabeth Gero
-- Birthdate:4. 29. 85.
-- Birthplace: baltimore, md
-- Current Location: pasadena, md
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: brown. but i want to die it that black blue color. i think ima do that real soon. hehe yey
-- Height: 5'7? 5'8?
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: taurus

-- Your heritage: native american and french and i dont know wut else.
-- The shoes you wore today: black low top chucks with tie dyed laces.
-- Your weakness: hmm thats a hard one... umm..... not liking when ppl dont like me. i haate that. it just makes me feel like shit when sumone doesnt like me for no reason. i mean, if they have a reason not to, or if i dont like them either, then its all good... but if they dont have a good reason, then it suks.
-- Your fears:rejection. wrongful judgement of me (my answer to the last question relates to that)..
-- Your perfect pizza: mmm cheese mushrooms green peppers pineapple pepperchinis (sp?) feta cheese tomatos onions and more pineapple.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: get a job that pays way more than i make now, and then move outttt.

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol, hehe, yey.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "just 15 more minutes..."
-- Your best physical feature:i've been told my eyes and i'll agree with that i guess.
-- Your bedtime:lol whenever the hell i fall asleep
-- Your most missed memory: i have quite a few. but currently i miss starscape. i wish i could go do that every weekend. but yeah i have lots n lots of missed memories. so thats just them ost recent.

-- Pepsi or Coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: ew
-- Single or group dates: group ones are fun as long as ur good friends with the ppl ur with.
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas shelltops.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: eh, dont like either very much. homemade is bestest.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: hmm. both have their ups and downs.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

-- Smoke: yea
-- Cuss: like a PIRATE
-- Sing: only when nobody can hear me
-- Take a shower everyday: hah no
-- Have a crush(es): yep :) ben. hehe but he knows it obviously
-- Do you think you've been in love: dont know.
-- Want to go to college: am
-- Want to get married: yep
-- Believe in yourself: i think so
-- Get motion sickness: sumtimes
-- Think you're attractive: hahaha
-- Think you're a health freak: with most stuf
-- Get along with your parents: usually.
-- Like thunderstorms: yeeessss
-- Play an instrument: not realy

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: not drunk, but yes drank a little
-- Smoked: yep
-- Done a drug: just medicine
-- Had Sex: nope
-- Made Out: yepp
-- Gone on a date: yepp
-- Gone to the mall?: yep
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo: ewwww no
-- Eaten sushi: yep
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: umm i dont think so.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yeah. but it didnt go very far.
-- If so, was it mixed company: yea
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yepp
-- Been caught "doing something": not anything really bad
-- Been called a tease: i dont think so
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: yeah
-- Changed who you were to fit in: yeah. middle school.

-- Age you hope to be married: whenever i feel comfortable
-- Numbers and Names of Children: well of course i dont know how many yet, and names i always change my mind on fave names. but i like alice and starr for girls, and joel for boys. of course theres more than just those but thats good enough lol
-- Describe your dream wedding: no clue. on a beech. thats all i know.
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep, peacefully.
-- Where you want to go to college: art institute of philidelphia
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: sumthing to do with fashion design and/ or runway shows
-- What country would you most like to visit: australia, germany, italy, england, france, ireland (yeah just about all of western europe), japan, russia. ok theres more but ill stop there.

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color? greeen
-- Best hair color? brown, or sumthing unnatural (ie: blue, green, pink..)
-- Short or long hair: depends on the person
-- Height: about my height or taller.
-- Best weight: i dont care, though i am partial to super thin bois. hehe
-- Best articles of clothing: wutever looks good on them and their comfortable in
-- Best first date location: sumthing funn
-- Best first kiss location: somewhere alone

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: tooo many to count
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: a few (including family)
-- Number of CDs that I own: a lot. but alot that i dont listen to too
-- Number of piercings: just ears so far- 5
-- Number of tattoos: none yet
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: fuck if i know.
-- Number of scars on my body: hah alot
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: i dont know. currently i really fucking regret not looking closer at that fucking intersection when i hit that ladys car today. grrrrr
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