Pink Star

Dec 23, 2013 03:02

Pink Star
OnKey <3
Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge.....but not really. Yeah I know. I haven't been around for sometime but I had some stuff and that thing so you know...... yeah....So here's something small. Like it if you do and don't I you don't. Oh an also, I'm sorry the title has little to do with the actual story, but I mean, I like it, so yeah! :3


His eyes almost disappear, smiling as he asks me to dance. Just for a moment, while everyone is gone. Of course. His smile hurts my soul but I can't stop myself from grabbing his hand. He wraps one arm around my waist, suddenly seeming stronger than ever before. He can protect me then. I am forever safe in these arms. Or at least, I wish I was.
I place my left hand on his shoulder as he takes the right one in his. Two empty things holding onto each other. They don't become any less empty, they just become empty together. The strong arm around my waist pulls me in close to his body. The closer I get, the stronger the heat radiates off of him. I could drift off into that warmth, comfortably asleep for an eternity. Yet my heart beats uncomfortably faster with each pull in and every breath I take. I hope he doesn't notice the excitement running through my veins effecting every muscle and nerve as if my heart were about to literally jump out from my chest and leave my body to suffer. I feel the blood making my face red with every second, as well I feel more embarrassed with every moment. I close my eyes.
Please don't notice me.
"How could I not notice you when you're right in front of me" Jinki softly laughs. Oh no! I've let my thoughts slip through the gates of my lips. He smiles "Oh Kibum. You're so cute" I look away, my face becoming the most noticeable form of red visible to the human eye, " You should watch your words Jinki. Haven't you ever heard of killing someone with kindness?"
He gives a hearty chuckle, like one would expect from a lumber jack or something, "I'd rather kill you with kindness than keep you alive with pain". If only he knew.
Just then his phone rings and he leaves me to answer it. That mesmerizing warmth has lifted its spell and unfortunately, I am free again. "Yes, hello" he answers "oh, you're downstairs... I'm coming down right now. see you in a second darling"
Jinki picks up his keys and walks towards the door. "I'm off on my date now Kibum. Don't wait up" He smiles back at me closing the door behind him. That smile cuts me deeper than before. The pain from that smile could keep my alive for centuries. Every time. The pain gets worse and worse and I can never let him know. But that kid. His smile is so big that he'll never actually notice. Even though I'm right in front of him.

angst, onkey, sorry, pg, !fanfic

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