Title:Beautiful Stranger
Rating: PG013 ish
Summary:Umm it's OnKey... that should be good enough.
Tidbit: So this is a fun little something I'm doing. So, so you guys know every chapter of you-aholic goes w/ a chapter of beautiful stranger. So I hope you enjoy ^^
I’d have to say it started with the first day of the second semester.
That was the day I decided I was going to peruse my dreams of becoming an idol. Just that morning I had received an e-mail from one of my favorite entertainment companies telling me that in a month I would become one of their trainees
Best day ever right? Eh not so much.
I told my parents that I wasn’t going to go to college and… they kind of ended up kicking me out of the house. It really didn’t mean too much to me because I would soon be living in the trainee dorms but that was still a month away.
I needed a place to crash for a month then I’d be off to the big city. Unfortunately no one had agreed to let me stay with them.
I arrived to my English class early and texted one of my out of school friends. If anyone would take me in it would totally be him. I sent the text at 10:01 and at 10:03 he replied.
‘Come meet me up here and ask me when school gets let out’-his reply.
WTF, REALLY. Couldn’t he just have said yes or no? I mean seriously that would have saved me sooooo much trouble.
‘Sure’-I replied
I couldn’t really start arguing with him because then he might say no and that would be way worse than the 50/50 he was giving me now.
I sat at the oval table alone until about 10:30 when the bell rang and the other students started filing in. At that moment I thought to myself ’wait a second, his school is about two hours away and I have no money or car to get up there’. I was totally fucked.
I needed someone to drive me to his school and possibly back to my house to pick up my things if he were to say yes. But who would possibly do that for me?
“Stand up everyone. I’m going to assign seats” the teacher yelled. I got up and stood at the wall. This was going to be a long day.
“Kim, Kibum” the teacher said as he pointed to the second to last seat available. Even if this day wasn’t going to go that well at least I got a seat close to the door. Perfect for an easy get away.
“Jinki!” the teacher yelled, causing me to jump a little. After he said that some kind of nerdy looking kid took a seat next to me. He had brown hair, glasses and seemed to be a little taller than me. He actually looked kind of familiar.
“Uggghhh. Stupid assigned seating”, the kid sighed.
OH NO HE DIDN’T! My day was already bad enough and now this kid wants to give an attitude because he doesn’t want to sit next to me? OH.NO!
“Well, I’m sorry you don’t want to sit next to me”, I said sending the kid some of my attitude.
“It’s not you” the kid said as he turned to look at me, “it’s just that I,I,I,I” he stuttered for a second.
“You… what” I questioned, ready to fight this kid at any moment.
“I…I…could see the clock from my previous seat” it seemed like a pretty crappy save but it made me realize how silly I was being. I was honestly getting mad for no reason.
I shoved my wrist in his face, as an attempt to make up for my attitude and said “don’t worry ...um…um what’s your name again”. SUPER AWKS! I didn’t even know his name.
“JINKI, excuse me”, first he yelled at me then tried to cough to cover it up, this kid was funny, “I mean my name is Jinki but my nickname is Onew. But you can call me whatever”.
“Well Jinki, I’m Key. And don’t worry about the clock thing, I’ve got a watch. You can ask me for the time if you need it, ok?” he nodded quickly with a small smile. To be honest the kid was kind of cute.
The teacher called for us to open our books to page three and start reading. We both started reading and didn’t really talk for the rest of the class.
While the class had taken the time to read, it finally hit me. I knew this Jinki Kid, I saw him every day when I got off the bus. He drove to school in a convertible; he must have been pretty well off. I thought to myself ‘If only we were friends, then he could totally drive me to my friend’s school’.
With only a few minutes left of the class, the fire alarm went off. The teacher assigned me the job of closing the door after the classroom was empty. I complied and waited till I saw the last kid leave the class. I went to grab the door knob but accidently grabbed Jinki’s wrist instead. If it were a real fire the kid would have totally been dead.
Just as I was about to apologize, I looked down and got a glimpse of something.
OMG THIS KID WAS HARD!! In my mind I was dying of laughter. But I could totally use this to my advantage.
This kid clearly liked me and probably be willing to drive me where I needed to go. I pulled him in closed to me and whispered in his ear “Let’s go have some fun”. And with that I began running to the parking lot and Jinki’s car.
You-aholic: 1