Mar 25, 2005 15:23
People who rock this week:
Paula, Matt, Ben, Meg B, Jorge, Lisa, Ray, and Bradford the Monkey.
On Wedsnday, I took the best fall EVER. I sprained my ankle, though. Skipped school Thursday so I could go get X-rays and such. A little kid in the waiting room gave me a Shrek sticker for my "boo boo" So cute. My ankle is roughly the size of a grape fruit and they put me on crutches. I hate them. Trying my hardest to be off them before school Monday. Out of dance and musical for a week or so.
After the hospital, mom and I went to Maine. Bax nearly knocked me over. Kim is on crutches too. I always knew we were twins.
Today Katie wanted to go shopping. I didn't want to go, but they dragged me to North Conway anyway. I hobbled around all afternoon like a dork. I got 2 pairs of capris, 5 shirts, pink flip flops, sunglasses, and a hat. I'm in insane amounts of pain, but it was definitely worth it. I tried on the cutest skirt. I really loved it, but i felt insanely unclothed because it was short. Only, it really wasnt that short or even like a mini or anything, but for me, it was short.
I'm hooked on this herbal lemon tea my mom got me, but I didnt bring it up with me. I'm having withdrawals. Its soooo good. Crutches are soo much work. I took like 34783274837 naps so far.
I'm not gonna be able to participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt this year. Darn..or something. Whateverrrr. Since theres still 3 feet of snow up here, its indoors. So, I get to help with the hiding and stuff. Easter=Lots of presents. I think I'm only getting one...but, its pretty big, so its cool. My sister is hopefully taking me PROM DRESS shopping tomorrow.