
Aug 27, 2010 15:36

So, I feel much better today (I knew I would, but somehow that didn't help yesterday!), and I've been fairly productive. Been into town, got shopping, picked up ill brother, helped Mum with her electronic signature kerfuffle....

Oh, and got a new laptop 8D!!!

It's actually not new, haha, it's my Uncle's old one - it's a Dell Inspiron 6400, and when I Googled it, the reviews seemed to be from about 4 years ago, so I guess that's how old it is. It's pretty chunky, and the screen's not as big as my old one, but it runs SO MUCH faster, it would actually LOAD Windows 7 and it pretty much seems to be running smoothly~.

Having reinstalled Firefox and set up bookmarks/add-ons/etc, I thought I may as well remind everyone that I'm not jus on LJ, you can find me on:

Tumblr - mostly for visual stuff, some text & videos. (there's also a feed, because I'm narcissistic - cwena)

Facebook - sporadic status updates, it's also sync'd with my Tumblr.

Twitter - slighly more frequent updates than Facebook, more pictures and stuff.

Delicious - mostly fic recs, but also some craft and cookery.

And you can add me on MSN - cwena [at] live [dot] co [dot] uk or also on Skype: zombiesfirstbrain.

Uh, yep! That's it!

links around the world, life

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