Ok, I'm baka XD
I forgot London's report...
some pics of oct 2nd gig!
here's me at O2 Academy.
A nice place! We could go shopping and eat yummy Japanese food while queueing XD
Union Jack for Versailles!! Very cool!! A great work^^ You can see my message on the bottom!
I got my special place in front of HIZAKI <3
I can't stop staring at his hands playing *___*
Here's the setlist
They played Glowing Butterfly *____* Thank youuuuuu>< 感動した!!
Then the stage and my beloved HORIZON III <3<3<3
HIZAKI dived into the audience XDD
His new "My-Boom" maybe....^^;;;
A negative note about this live is that they runned out of time so they had to stop after the first encore, so they disappeared without saying anything or giving us picks, sticks and so on....we were a bit disappointed but it seems it wasn't their falut.
Meet & Greet was great even if a little bit too quick><
So this year London gave me great emotions first with Dir en Grey than with Versailles.
This is a special city to me now...^_______^