Aug 12, 2009 23:30

Hahahaha! As promised, I will write the journal about my mundane life with Dylan (over the summer) for two weeks while Cami is away in Japan. By doing this, she can read it when she gets back and be able to document all of the amazing and magical things that she missed while away. We will not let you down, Cami! Wish you were here having oodles of mundane every-day fun with us! lol.


Gabby and Dylan woke up (Dylan woke up first and Gabby took an hour to really wake up). Gabby had the urge to make a new RP on a whim and this lasted for about two hours (inconsistently) during which time two two girls got dressed and went to Marie Calendars for breakfast/pie.
Dylan had teriyaki salmon and Gabby had a club sandwich. They were proud to eat things that they had never tried before. Gabby couldn't finish her whole meal and took it home while Dylan ate all of her fries.
Then they had pie. Dylan had chocolate satin and Gabby had banana cream which she considered mediocre.
They played a bit of Jak & Daxter in french but then Gabby left to go to the DMV to acquire a California state ID so that she could get on airplanes and buy M rated video games and see R rated movies. Her foundation made her face pink so she looked a little bit like a silly rosy-cheeked doll with itty bitty lips and maybe her ID will look okay. At the DMV, she waited in lines and sat in chairs and texted people to let them know how similar the DMV is to an airport. Meanwhile, Dylan cleaned her room and watched SVU.

They spent a long time dawdling on the computer and not answering Manny for RPing. Gabby attempted to make pancakes but her little nieces ate them all. She also played some Lego Indiana Jones on the DS and watching Silent Hill videos on youtube for far too long. Dylan had a bad scratch on her back that Gabby inflicted by accidentally drawing on her back with a purple pen. Dylan then got into her familiar pajamas and the two decided to have another sleepover. They decided to RP AHH with Troy and Dante, but who knows what will come afterwards? now they're going to half-RP and half play Jak & Daxter in french. Gabby will also check what Manny said and type for Dylan. They'll also probably watch some yaoi or play newgrounds or something. :D Gabby also plans to have the two have a movie night casting party thing or something.

More average slacker kid glory will surely follow, so check in for more mundane summer action tomorrow!!!! :D :D :D
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