(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 03:29

People misunderstand you all the time, don't they. They bark, and scream, and do everything that is wrong in the name of what is right. Kind of ironic to me.

I've watched people. Everyone, changed. Some for the bad, some for the good.. It's almost lonely thinking that this was inevitable. When you're a kid, you don't think about these things. You're immortal. You're positivly the most powerful thing around: save the other immortal children around you. They're a problem.

I've watched people I should of ignored, I watched others who have no idea I exsist, and some who love me dearly. Enemies, aquaintences and friends, as I should say.
I don't know why I watch them. I'm so busy lately. My cooking skills have gone up considerably, and i've abandoned my will to draw, though I do on occasion simply because the habbit and like haunt me.
I've taken up culinary arts as a profession, and will continue learning for a few years before I get anywhere. I'll be 27 by the time I can finish a proper cluster.

I want to have children, before i'm 30. I wanted to be a mother.

I feel like i'm thinking too far ahead, though these things seem certain to happen. And I feel like, because of my relationships online, the many who have wasted my years and who have been tool for me to waste them myself, i'm starting my life so late. And i'm not getting these years back.

My roomate, Pam, she's got another kid on the way. He'll be due in January, we're expecting. Her boyfriend, 'Spud', is the father.
Spud has found god. Well.. arn't you an assumptive little religious person? I never said which god, now did I? Bad bad. Try again.

My mother's condition has stayed the same, though depression is getting to her. She's starting to act a little crazy with the emotions lately. I've been so drained, i'm having a hard time showing any kind of emotion myself. I'm just too tired. I feel like i'm running on empty.

My relief, is Jasmine and Kii. Though I don't see Kii much. The times I do manage to get online, I see them specificly. To RP, draw, make stories or just talk.
They're importaint to me, even if they're not here persay.

There's more I want to say, but typing is starting to get bothersome. And I don't have the energy to finish. So i'll leave with you something to think about.

Vanity is the first form of assumption.
Those who are vain, find it easy to accuse others.
Those who are not modest, are unforgiving.
Those who are unforgiving, are happy with others who are also vain.

And so it goes on..
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