22 puffs of smoke.

Apr 29, 2008 19:01

[accidental voice post]

[Sound of a match being struck.]


[Something dripping.]


Cor cordis veritatis sapit. Cor cordis veritatis dicit.

[Tearing, splattering--]

Ha, got you, you fu--

[end voice mode!]

Right, I've been back in the city for all of ten fucking days. So far we've had Shakespeare, war, zombies, and fuck knows what else I've missed--

Never a bleeding dull moment.

Much as I hate to be the fucking hero here...you ought to all know, if you don't already, that these zombies aren't really zombies. Not the proper voodoo kind, anyway. They're demon puppets.

And I think I ought to be able to give any of you lot who want to do something about it a clear path to the bastard controlling them. Maybe even weaken it a bit. Don't expect me to be doing any slaying, though. Not my job. I don't like risking harm to my delicate pink flesh.

This bloke seems to know more about the thing--and how to hurt it. Might want to talk to him about it if you're curious or looking to do some damage.

private to Lady // warded

Once the demon's down for the count, I ought to be able to find out if someone summoned the bugger or if it came here the way we all do. Before that? Not a chance, kid.

[OOC: As stated here, John will not be participating in any demon-slaying, but he'll be helping to organize it. I'm sure we'll come up with more details as things progress. Also, sorry sorry my Latin is awful. I should have paid more attention in high school.]

impending doom, can't keep it in his pants (magic), big damn antihero

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