1. How is it April already? I've no idea. Anyway, I signed up for campnano this month with the goal of 20000 of an original thing I don't think is ever going to see the light of day but I'm enjoying writing anyway, and I'm doing okay with it.
2. I realise I've been rather quiet lately. That's mainly because I've been reading all the Patricia Briggs I can get my hands on, and learning to crochet like a fiend. It's been good, and I've been enjoying myself.
I've been meaning to learn to crochet for years now, and the fact that I've finally started is a good sign. (I just wish my social spoons would make an appearance again.)
3. I went to see Goldfrapp on Friday and they were utterly utterly fabulous. I took about a million pictures that I'm sure I'll share at some point.
I absolutely loved the support act as well (
We Were Evergreen), and I'll be preordering their album.
4. In a case of everything happens at one time, I stayed over at my wee brothers after the concert, and we had a great time, especially since it's been a while since we've had a proper gab. We to
Tchiaovna for lunch, and I think I have a new favourite place. Then I bumped into A in Paperchase (I escaped after only buying pens this time) as she was down for the weekend, and we had a good catch up. I walked further than I have done in a long time, and it's just as well it was my Saturday off.
5. So I'm knackered now and to top it all off, I slipped down the stairs. I didn't damage anything, just jerked everything and I'm left with a lot of muscle aches and I had to come home from work early yesterday. Bleurgh. It's my day off today and I seem to be almost back to normal.