HAPPY HOGMANAY!!!!!!! Or Happy Ne'er Day, depending on where you are.
Yes, that was me spamming your flists with last minute teeny fic posts. Sorry.
Anyway, thoughts on this year:
It’s kind of surprising that this year has actually not been as bad as it’s felt sometimes. Yes I’ve had my depressive periods, put on weight and not been up to a whole lot but I also got a job, my weight stabilised, I’m fitter, my friends and family are awesome and I am honestly getting better (well, the things that can get better anyway). I just need to keep reminding myself of that and that some things take time.
… Huh. That was a lot shorter than I was expecting.
Oh well.
Goals for next year:
- Continue with the getting fit and being healthier
- Write some original fic
- Write more in general
- Start reading more again
- Start the two knitting projects I bought patterns for
- Start tutoring
I’m not going to be more specific at the moment as I don’t want to pressure myself too much.
Fandom version to come shortly.
Crossposted at