Better late than never: Pierrefonds pics!!!

Jul 10, 2012 21:39

It's been a bit crazy lately what with the new job, my grandfather in the hospital, moving... BUT I finally sorted through most of my Pierrefonds pictures (from over two weeks ago) and managed to upload a couple to post here!!!
It was such a great day! It cleared up quite a bit, into something actually ressembling summer! They were filming ALL DAY in the courtyard. Bradley and Colin were present in all season and the knights in a several as well! All the scenes had horses in it and they all took *ages* until the producer was satisfied. I don't know how the extras stand it. I mean, I'd LOVE to be an extra in Merlin for a day. But I can't imagine doing it for weeks! Anyway, it was great seeing them in action.

Pictures have spoilers for one new cast member (the one most of you guys probably know about) and spoilers concerning dialogue etc are in white (so highlight to read). Comments may contain spoilers.

If anyone wants pictures in original size, wants more pictures (I have several hundred :p) or specific pictures: feel free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Start of the day: Merlin Monkey on a car parked at the bottom of the steps up to the castle.

Minor plot spoiler: highlight to read Merlin looking wary, almost angry at Mordred

Another plot spoiler, highlight to read: Arthur about to order Merlin to see to it 'he (Mordred) gets anything he needs'.

What were they talking about? 

I couldn't imagine him doing the 'evil face'; but look! Was even in between takes. 

For fans of Percival and Elyan or Percival/Elyan ;)

Talking in between takes... I took several pics of the three of them!

Colin & Bradley, serious faces.

Bradley is a real fan of sunglasses; I'm 100% convinced he has a pocket somewhere in his Camelot cape because they were on so fast each time the director yelled 'cut'.

Bradley sprawled on the steps while the knights get their horses in position (taking a bit long)

Trotting back on the horses after another take:

Zoomed in on Bradley's amazing laugh

All around: amazing day

pierrefonds, bradley, colin, merlin, pictures, travelling

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