StockingFiller fic: Mistletoe Kiss (Harry/Draco)

Jan 10, 2012 22:18

Author: lullabylily
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 1000
A/N Written for enchanted_jae (in hd_seasons). Repost for those of you who got a little gloomy whille putting away all the Christmas decorations: Harry + Draco + mistletoe. 
Rated R for language/suggestion

Mistletoe Kiss

It was ridiculous that Harry had been aware of Draco Malfoy’s presence all night, following the blond gracefully move across the room, making small talk with who-ever was in a position high enough to help Malfoy increase his own. It was ridiculous that he couldn’t keep his eyes off him, because it was just Malfoy and he wasn’t in sixth year anymore; his obsession was supposed to be over. But most of all it was ridiculous how he startled and jumped when Malfoy was suddenly standing right behind him.

“Evening, Potter.”

“Malfoy,” Harry turned. Despite all the looks Harry had already cast his way, Draco was still a vision; dress robes made of the highest quality, trimmed with a fine, silvery thread.

A moment’s silence stretched between the two of them. “How do you do,” Harry muttered, nerves willing him to break the silence.

Draco just rolled his eyes. “I’m not doing any civil handshaking with you, Potter.”

Draco stepped closer, invading Harry’s personal space and out of instinct he took a step back… only to find that he couldn’t. He seemed frozen on the spot.

Harry quickly cast a glance behind him, to see if maybe Draco had managed to back him up against a wall, but there was nothing behind him, just a ballroom full of people ignoring the empirical crisis Harry was going through. He couldn’t budge, his body already beginning to heat up at the proximity of Malfoy’s presence.

“What the hell,” Harry stammered, looking up at Draco accusingly because obviously this had something to do with the blond.

Draco looked at him, lazy and mildly amused. “Magical mistletoe,” Draco hummed, eyes glancing upwards, above their head.

Two bunches of mistletoe were happily ‘hanging out’, suspended in midair, a red ribbon tying them together.

“What?!” Harry exclaimed, he looked from the mistletoe back to Draco, fighting the alarmed feeling that was welling up in his chest as the attempts to get at least one arm’s width between him and Malfoy failed.

“Oh, Potter,” Draco tutted, “are you still that surprised every time you witness magic?”

“I know what it is,” Harry retorted indignantly, “I just don’t understand what it’s doing here; above our heads.”

Draco shrugged, “The mistletoe has been moving around the room, sneaks up on couples that move close to one another. Kissing is deemed to be beneficial for the Christmas joy.”

Harry stared at Draco as the latter explained the beneficial workings of enchanted mistletoe forcing people to kiss. Thinking about kissing and Malfoy at the same time seemed to wreck havoc to his brain; he seemed to have lost the capacity to do anything but stare at Draco’s lips.

He wanted to argue that this was a spectacularly bad idea from whoever organized the party, that the guests were dignified and not here to have fun, that this was a political event, not a bachelor party. But the words all dried on his lips.

He watched them curl into a sneer. “So. Shall we have it then, Potter?”

Harry shook his head, “Can’t we spell it away or something.”

“Simple banishing spells won’t work,” Draco said casually, “I’ve seen people try. Shacklebolt and Arthur Weasley found themselves in a pickle after all that whispering and conspiring they were doing.”

Harry barely suppressed a sigh. Ìf Shacklebolt hadn’t been able to get rid of the mistletoe, there was absolutely no hope, he thought, searching for an ounce of courage he did not feel.

“We can’t just… kiss,” Harry pleaded.

Suddenly Draco’s glare hardened, “Why not? Are you worried they will all watch? You mustn’t be seen with an ex-Death Eater? Or are you concerned they’ll be able to tell this isn’t the first time?”

Harry flushed but didn’t respond to Draco’s accusations. Draco’s lips, his scent, the prospect of kissing this man again… it was all too much. This time they were not in some backdoor alley in Hogsmeade but in front of a crowd, in front of everyone who was anyone in the wizarding world…

Draco swallowed, Harry was sure he could read disappointment from his expression and guilt twisted in his stomach. “Fine,” Draco said, averting his eyes, “Just give me a peck on the cheek, then, get it over with.”

“No.” Harry said, sudden determination blooming up in his chest.

“What?” Draco’s eyes widened in alarm, “We can’t just keep standing here all night!”

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco, letting out a short huff of laughter at Draco’s surprised gasp. “I’m glad it isn’t the first time,” he said, locking eyes with Draco.

“What?” Draco muttered, eyes still wide.

“At least I already know you’re a great kisser,” Harry continued, pressing their bodies even closer, relishing the familiar press of Draco’s groin against his own.

The kiss was open-mouthed and needy. There was no doubt everyone would be able to tell they had kissed before. It was still shocking to Harry to find Draco’s lips were that familiar. Every kiss was still a surprise, exciting, exploring…

With great reluctance they let go of each other. Draco’s eyes had glazed over, making his expression look soft and slightly vulnerable. Harry let his fingers further dishevel Draco’s blond locks before finally stepping away, knowing the expression on his face made him look like a smug fool.

He couldn’t care less. The sounds of the party had dimmed and Harry felt rather than heard the stunned silence around him.

Draco was catching his breath, grasping Harry’s arm for support. He opened his mouth to say something, but Harry halted him. “Let’s just go,” he said, “I’m sure I can conjure up some magical mistletoe above my bed that won’t allow you to leave it until I’ve properly sucked you off.”

A wave of lust passed Draco’s eyes and his grip on Harry’s sleeve tightening. “Lead the way.”

Harry did, ignoring the stammered protests echoing around the room as the two of them made their way towards the floo station.

harry/draco, rated: r, fan fiction

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