Diacon and other stuff

Jul 29, 2011 21:51

It’s amazing how frustrating it is to have LJ inoperative for four days in a row. Especially since I wanted to reach out to all my new friends from Diacon!

Anyway, I already did a small write-up about Diacon Alley on my Dreamwidth, but I need to do it here as well, of course!

Especially tonight, as I feel some serious post-con blues, having had to say goodbye to spark_of_chaos earlier this evening and to lkaet  last night. I think this means that most Diacon-people have now left London? :-(

I’m so glad I made the decision to attend Diacon! I thank annephoenix  and hpstrangelove  for even bringing the whole thing to my attention! I was drawn to it as an opportunity to meet more HP fandom-people and meet those amazing people from the Alex Rider fandom in real life.

Turned out to be a great decision! I had a blast. Meeting so many people in fandom, some of whom I had already 'met' online, was perfect. The panels and presentations that I attended were all informative and witty.

I can’t make a list of all the people that have made this con such an amazing experience, as I feel I am bound to forget people! But I’m thrilled to have you all on my f-list!! Thank you for being the nicest people imaginable ;-)

This con will definitely encourage me to put more effort into my livejournal. I think I still need to get over some 'shyness', but I feel part of a 'community' again. I will just read write what I can and let myself be inspired by all your crazy amazing fellow fandom people!

london, fandom, real life, harry potter, diacon alley, alex rider

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