Apr 09, 2004 22:09
It hit me kind of hard today with all the things Carolyn’s going through, I’ve never had a best friend. I don’t know whether to blame this on my own inequities or the fact that I have a nomadic family. I haven’t cried in a while … well I duno, anyways reading Carolyn’s post about Alex had me in tears. I can’t imagine loosing some one as close to me as he was to her, I don’t know how to relate because I have never been that close to some one, and that, that point of designation made me cry harder. It brought back all those memories I’ve tried ever so hard to block out. Those cold grade school mornings I would spend curled up on the floor outside my parent’s bedroom door crying, face in my knees dreading having to go to school. I never really had friends until high school, and now it most everyone likes me so I end up not being close to anyone. Today was sad, very sad, it had nothing to do with me but I still felt it. I love you Carolyn Parsey….